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Saturday, May 9, 2020

A fictional(ish) man named Ichibod

It was a long day, and a hot one, when Ichibod gazed up at his work and saw that it was massive. For days, he and his many men had been laying bricks. Never before had he seen such a structure, and yet it still was not good enough. Would it ever be good enough? He didn't know, but, he thought himself and his men as the best brick layers in the world, and he believed he had the very best brick makers and morter making crews on his team. Yet, with all that, nothing like this had ever been attempted, so again he wondered, was this good enough? Were his efforts measuring up? How could he know? He wanted to reach God, how could he do so other than doing everything in his power to get there? It was getting dark, so he went home, little did he know that the very next day, an almighty God would see this as folly and intervene in a way Ichibod would never have dreamed. This shining city he had planned would be remembered, but not the way he expected, the blueprints he planned, and the name he chose would be lost to history, it would be remembered as an unfinished, confusing episode, to be chuckled at. It would be called the Tower of Babel.

Ichibod's failures were a result of making that mistake that humans make, at times we believe our efforts will bring us closer to God, this is just not true. Our works are as filthy rags. We are to abide in the vine which is Jesus Christ. So, we can do nothing without God, the solution is to allow Him, by the Holy Spirit to live His life through us. If at anytime we chose to not abide in him, he respects that decision, and at that point we are removed from the vine. However, this does not come as a matter of our works not being good enough. This comes as a matter of us abiding in something else not of God, it is our choice, not His will. So, I suggest you start asking God to live His life through you, even if that means destroying your babels.

Verses: Genesis 11:1-9 Isaiah 64:6 John 15:1-8 John 6:39-40

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