The Lord's people were in deep trouble now, there was a different Pharaoh, and he decided the children of God were a threat to Egypt's security, so he made them slaves. Yet they multiplied, so he did holecaust on their baby boys. There were heroic women, who loved, and would not kill. In the midst of all this, a helpless baby boy came, and the Lord looked on him, and the one true Rescuer said, "This is my rescuer, I will use him to rescue my people." First, the Rescuer had to save His rescuer. He did so through the indomitable will of his mother and sister, who made a basket and hid him on the river. He did so through Pharaoh's daughter of all people, he touched the chord in her woman heart, who loved the little baby. The rescuer was Moses, and he grew up. Then he decided to act on his initative and rescue one of God's people, so, he did, an Egyptian died that day. Then Moses had to rescue himself. He ran to Midian, and there he rescued some girls from some bullies. Time passed, Moses ran out of that youthful vinegar, and then the Lord came, and persuaded his rescuer to re enter the ring. The Rescuer, rescued his people, with the free will of His rescuer, dragging his feet at times, but, doing as asked, and yet, he had no perceived, distinct calling and ministry per say, did he?
The rescuer was old, the Rescuer's people were in the wilderness, and the Conquerer wanted a conquerer to work through, that young man Joshua, who was not afraid of giants, and wanted to take the land, well, he had become old, wise, and humble, yes, so it was, the Conquerer had found his conquerer...and yet, he had no perceived, distinct calling and ministry per say, did he?
The young man projected an image of being wise, and mature, and yet he was not, and now he knows there is much more to learn, but more on that later. He had experienced enough to begin to realize that maybe there was some gifting there, some ability for the Lord to use him to help others know the Lord. He had been hurt by the church, but yet, he had worked through it, and he loved the church. He kept hearing that it wasn't enough, what he was doing was not quite enough. There was a something, a chip on his shoulder that kept saying these things, and this chip said things like, "You must seek after, and do something of value, there must be a ministry out there for you, or a position, perhaps you are to be a church pastor, perhaps a counselor, but something!" The Lord said, "Don't start anything, I will interrupt your current project when the time is right." The chip said, "What is the deal, you are being shelved, your not being used, kick your way out of this emptiness! DO something! GOGOGOGOGOGOGOGO!!!!" The Lord acted on a wise older man's freewill and used his physical voice and kindness. The man said, "Don't be a Moses, wait on the Lord." So the young man dug in, he pouted, he fussed, complained to his wife, but he braced his heels, and he waited, well sort of, he didn't wait very well unfortunately. Not with the best attitude, or the best kind of waiting, but he didn't do anything so stupid that you would notice. Then one day, the Lord said, "So, way back then, there was something that happened, and that something has seated in you as a chip on your shoulder in regards to you and your value, and you have to prove both to yourself, and to that chip, that you are someone to be taken seriously, not to be laughed at. Finally, you are ready to let me take that chip." The young man was broken, and he finally let the Lord take that chip after a battle, for some reason the young man argued with the Lord, even though the score is aproximately, Lord 4'000'000, young man 0, but when he went back to "normal life" he found out that his job mattered all along, and he saw that it wasn't what he did, but why he did it that made it all worth something in the Kingdom. It wasn't what he made, but how he served. It was all ultimately about the Lord, and he had been created to show the Lord's redemption to the people, in whatever way and place the Lord put him, and so it wasn't about place, or ministry, or calling to position, but about being, being the Lord's son, the Lord's vessel, to show forth the Lord, after all, the vessel comes empty with nothing of it's own, the Lord fills.
So, that person who used to have the chip is real, that person is your author. This is the bottom line, are there chips, or rather, lies, that are robbing you from your actual destiny? Your destiny isn't about any physical thing, it's about who the Lord created you to be, that permission to be the you the Lord created. Seek out the Lord's wisdom, in the burning bushes, the dreams, or in today's world, more likely, a trusted person to pray with you, to help you hear the Lord, speak to who you are and much more importantly, who He is. This is the capstone, the missing piece in last night's seesaw tirade, for without knowing who you are and who the Lord is, the serving gets pretty hard, and the will can only take it for so long. Last night was the first step, and that first step is to do the work for the Lord, but now, it is time to learn to do the work, the Lord's way. It is time to decide if you want to tell your brothers about your dreams, and kill an egyptian, or do you want to store grain and handle the Lord's miracle rod? So, I have left details about the chip a bit vague, intentionally, I want to protect and care about people in my life who I love very much. I am available to discuss details and clarifications privately though.
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