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Monday, May 2, 2022

The Christian's Bermuda Triangle

So, the Bermuda triangle is said to be the triangular-shaped zone in the Atlantic where ships and such mysteriously get lost, or disappear or something. That is tragic, but, what if losing your faith was even more tragic? I think so. What if western Christians have a Bermuda triangle of their own to contend with? A place to ping pong about in and get disillusioned with God, Christianity, and who knows what else. So many Christian individuals, groups, churches, or otherwise seem bound and determined to lurch into a corner and just sit there or worse, violently ricochet around. How do I mean? Well, a triangle has 3 corners, here they are:

1. Patriotism. America is a Christian nation. We must defend it from the evil-doer, by whatever means necessary. (Insert random violent old testament story to justify this here.) Or, We must love our neighbor as ourselves, therefore let's become more socialist, and have better welfare, it's immoral to be rich. (insert random verse out of context about loving your neighbors here.) 

2. Legalism. So Jesus has rules? Our church has more! Not only do we believe in modesty, but we will also tell you exactly what to wear. Not only do we believe in 2 Kingdoms, but we will also spell out what you are not allowed to do so you don't have to think. Also, we will install closed borders at our church; you're not part of our church without going through a thorough vetting process. We also won't baptize you or partake in communion with you unless you're willing to be part of our church.

3. Libertinism. So, Jesus loves me? Yaay! Freeeeedddddddoooooommmmmmm! In our church, not only do you come as you are, you may stay as you are, wait, you mean the gospel of Matthew has 28 hard-hitting chapters?? Ahh, he's probably just talking to ye-old Jews or something, carry on, John 3:16 is really all you need. Anyway, don't you just love the freedom in Christ? Wait, you have a great depression in your pocketbook? There's a legalist telling you to get a budget and a job? A budget!? Personal responsibility, work?!! REEEEEE Naawwww God wants you to prosper, just have more faith and pray, and it'll be alright. 

I am not all that interested in getting you to leave your church even if it might have lurched into one of these corners. How about this, you opt out. Fortunately, if you really really want to get out, the walls of the triangle are really really low. All you have to do is read your New Testament, and apply it practically and literally to your life, principle by principle. 

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