Last night, I read the book. I got angry, at the things done to the little boy Bobby, and then at the things Bobby the man did. I teared up, at the hurt the little boy experienced, and at the hurt his family experienced. The book is good, you should get yourself a box of tissues, and the book, and settle down when you have no other commitments pressing and just soak it up. Then, when you meet the man Bobby today, you will realize that there is a miracle in all this. A renewal has been done. Bobby would probably say, it has been started. Bobby is humble like that. How can a man who has never experienced, real, true fathering growing up, be such a good "father figure" to people who he has only known for 3 days? Bobby would say, It's all God, and as much as I admire him today, I concur. I also say that he has an amazing wife, she is still with him, still loyal to him. I admire her determined willingness to just turn to God, hang tight, and wait on him, during her darkest hours. I can't fathom how I would do in that situation, it has to be God again. So, go and get this book here:
Based on what I understand of the atheist religion, and yes I call it that, because all people worship something or someone in my opinion. They do not believe in the existence of Bobby Eaton. There must be something there, a thing, where he is still an Eaton in the bad way, born and raised as one, and he pulled himself up by his bootstraps and got successful yes, but he must still be an abrasive hypocrite, he must still be angry somehow, their religion does not explain or account for the personality change, rather the "new creature" we have here. There is a powerful redemptive power that worked in Bobby, a complete renewing. He is a living and breathing proof that God's renewing works. The same Christ, who, knowing that he would literally be pierced in the side, came alongside humanity. That Christ, who was dead, and then pierced in the side went to the grave, and came back renewed, as in, alive again. His side was pierced, the scar remained, and yet, he still comes alongside you. He puts his arm around you. That is, if you'll let him. His side was pierced for you, and on some level, because of your sin, by you, and yet, he wants to come alongside you and call you brother, or sister. Will you let him? This is the power working in Bobby, he has merely been renewed by God. Christ came alongside him, and Bobby became his brother. Now, Bobby acts a whole lot like Jesus' little brother. I am concerned that Bobby will be uncomfortable with all the things I said about him, because he doesn't seem to like being the focus, but, this is all glory to God. Bobby really only gave God permission to redeem him, and God took that permission with gladness and did an amazing work.
Well said, you brought tears to my eyes!!