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Thursday, January 27, 2022

God Told Me!

  Once upon a time, a long time ago, and yet not so long ago, when you wanted to go on a road trip, you would have a road atlas. Maps, squiggly lines, roads they represented. You would study these maps, and you would plot your course. Then along came the GPS, it had the map integrated into it. It had your position on the map understood in it's gublins in some way that I cannot fully understand. It would plot your course for you. You would drive where it said. Then came the horror stories, people would drive through a rancher’s ranch and get headbutted by testy bulls, because the GPS said to turn left about 15 minutes ago. People would hook a right into a lake, because the  GPS said, turn right. Roads weren't where the GPS said they were, because the map was out of date, etc, and so forth. Hopefully these things didn't all happen to you, but you get the idea. Well, with the passage of time, and in the course of human events, the GPS became better, maps on the cloud ended up being more up to date, the route planner has a whiff of a clue now and then, so often times you can actually, sorta-ish, almost, maybe, kinda trust your GPS. WHOA. Anyway, it's just easier to use a GPS rather than a road atlas. A road atlas, you sit motionless, at the side of the road, gazing at squiggly lines until your eyes cross, asking deep life impacting questions, such as, where am I? To which your lovely spouse might reply, I dunno, kinda hoped you did. Finally, you set off on a course, and you pursue this doggedly, confidently, right up until you realize you're lost again, then the session repeats itself. Of course, if you try to read this atlas while driving, you might find yourself rendered motionless by the car in front of you that saw the red light you missed, then things get really complicated...anyway, where was I? Right, GPS’s are better. You drive and listen to instruction on a turn by turn, moment by moment basis. That said, of course you still study the maps, you still study the way to drive a car. There are basic laws of life on the road that should be understood and obeyed for things to flow properly. Now, imagine if someone whose GPS was a bit faulty and led them to a destination that seems to work for them would continually call you and tell you that this route is what you must take because their GPS told them so. Worse yet, what if they tell you that it is no longer necessary to drive on the left side of the road because their GPS told them so? 

 So, what if the Holy Spirit serves as a perfect GPS in a walk with, relationship with God, in this case the only flaws are in your ability to listen. The Bible serves as a story from God, wherein are all the fundamental laws of life, and even the very story of how we got here, both physically, and spiritually. The parallels are drawn, the roots of the Church are told to us. The nature of God, a nature of justice and mercy in constant tension, are told in a multitude of ways and at times graphically. So, these 2, hand in hand, should be all one needs for a wholesome life with God. Especially the Holy Spirit. For, without the Holy Spirit, the Bible can just seem like an old book that is hard to understand. 

 So why is it then, that people keep making "road atlases'' for you to live by? These road atlases come in the form of judgements, it is no longer enough to value modesty. Now you must value it by dressing in a certain precise manner. It is no longer enough to turn the other cheek, and not seek revenge, you must subscribe to a checklist of things you promise to never do, like never taking someone to court for example. It is no longer enough to value fellowship with other believers, you must go to church in a certain way, that is, a building where a preacher can speak to you. The list goes on, and I have done it to, so far be it from me to condemn anyone for building road atlases for people after what I've done. Also, these decisions aren't wrong if you feel so convicted personally, but to force others?? Suppose you want to escape the Spiritual Road Atlas crowd, be careful about how far you jump though, because in the other ditch you find the.....

 "My Spiritual GPS is better than yours!" people. These people will tell you a thing that seems wrong, and when you try to point out something like, "but the Bible says..", or, "but, that doesn't sound..." Or, "I don't quite agree..." They respond with, but no! God told me! I prayed about this, and that's it! God told me! It's one thing to hear about God telling someone something that doesn't make sense to you, but then they insist on you changing your behavior based on what "God told" them, what's a person to do? Like for example, the whole thing from a few years ago, "God told me to vote for Trump, and if you don't then you must just not care about the spiritual battle we are in." What to do when people try to rule your lives because of what God told them? I'm not sure, other than love 'em anyway. :) Is there a moral to this? Hm, probably just, let other people be on their own journey, and be available if they stop and ask for directions, but. don't try to drive their life for them. I for one hope God tells you many wonderful things that match scripture and help you make sense of it. Again, I have probably been guilty of this one too, so far be it from me to condemn...However, I do feel like it should be at least pointed out. I want to vent my frustrations with it for one, and I want to hit the eject button from both camps and stop participating in either situation. I wrote this down as a guide or a road atlas so to speak for you to know not to do it, and I did it because God told me to! Oh wait, about that.... Just live your life with God…. Blessings.:D

Monday, January 10, 2022

Our Peace or Real Peace?

 He was born on the island of Corsica soon after it became part of France. Yet, he looked and talked differently from a French boy. When he went to school in France, he was bullied. So, he retreated into his studies. He was a smart young man, and yet, being Corsican in France during a time when royalty was a thing, he was overlooked for positions in favor of people who were related to the right people. Then came the French Revolution. This young man who was in the French military by then made a name for himself by how he led men. The British had sailed in and attempted to interfere with the revolution, and this young man was able to equip, and train a bunch of men in time to fend them off and drive away the ships. His name was Napoleon Bonaparte, and as time went on, he further proved himself, and won favor with the French. As a result of the Revolution, the French became more democratic. This upset the rest of Europe who was still living in a time of kings. It was these wars, where Napoleon really showed genius. When he won favor with the French, he maneuvered himself into the position of emperor. However, he had the rest of Europe to contend with, in order to protect France, he had to constantly fight off European armies. In order to extend his ideas of a government, he had to subject other nations by force. Eventually, they caught on to his tactics, and figured out how to deal with him, essentially by ganging up on him, 3 countries' armies at a time would maneuver around his army and take turns advancing and retreating depending on who he was attacking, in this way they wore him down. After defeats, he had to go into exile, then he came back, and lost again, was captured and exiled some more. He had spent his life trying to rule France his way, and fighting for peace on his terms and now, there was nothing left of his power. He was lonely, brooding, bored, and sad. He had attempted to end his own life with poison, but it had lost its power and only made him sick. Throughout his life, he had brought a counterfeit notion of peace, a turbulent seething peace, a peace that fell apart whenever rivals found themselves with enough power to dispatch him. So it was, Napoleon seemed to believe that he needed to rule his life his way, or check out, or end his life, but, what if there is a 4th option?  


 Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.-Matthew 5:9 So it begins, this is another deep statement by Jesus in His sermon. These beatitudes aren't just nice sounding phrases to nod and smile at. They are thought provoking, and truly life changing when fully absorbed. So now, I am using this verse about peacemakers being called God's children as a launching point to discuss peace, and the art of making peace. Peace is something that is marvelous for what it doesn't have, it is the absence of turbulence. The lake looks like a mirror because there is no wind to stir the waves and no dirt swirling beneath the surface to muddy the water. Why did I pick on Napoleon's life for this chapter? Because, I think Napoleon spent his life looking for peace, and based on history, unfortunately he may very well never have found it. 

Attempt 1. Fight for it. Napoleon could fight, oh how he could fight! There are some who believe he was the greatest general who ever lived, even on lists that include names like Alexander the Great, and Julius Caesar. I am inclined to agree. So it was, when 3 powers lined up against France, He was able to divide and conquer. To fully explore his genius would require a different article, but, he was a genius! So, eventually, the enemies stopped attacking. Peace at las...! Wait, hang on, they are attacking it was, at times of "peace" that they only had it on the surface, there was a turbulence lurking underneath, cloudy water so to speak, and whenever the found the courage to try again, this superficial peace was shattered, like a meteor falling into a lake. Ultimately, if you read the story carefully, he tried this again after attempt 2 failed. 

Attempt 2. Check out. The first time he voluntarily went into exile, for he had lost the support of his country, and he became very bored, and moody. There was a brooding way about him, a sense that while he seemed to be doing ok, and at peace on the surface, and even doing a good job governing the island he lived on there was a bubbling undercurrent, and one day, it burst forth like an underwater geyser on the surface of a lake. He had to go GO GO GO!! So he went and tried attempt 1 again. 

Attempt 3. End life. After attempt 1 failed again, he was captured by the British and it all seemed lost to him. So, no peace in life then? Well, what if we stop living? That didn't work either. I cannot begin to understand all that would have happened with Napoleon in his afterlife, but it seems that whatever peace you lack in life will continue to be missing in eternity. The British put him on another island, under guard. This was where he lived, until he passed from this life. I hope that sometime in this time, he tried attempt 4, but history does not provide any evidence that he did.

Attempt 4. What if one was to accept the Prince of Peace, which is Jesus Christ? In this case, rather than having a calm surface with a cloudy turmoil underneath, the water of life would be clear, clean, and reflective. This would then show on the surface and radiate peace. By accepting Jesus Christ, and joining God the Father and Son as his brother/sister/son/daughter, and living life on His terms, which is to say, Kingdom terms, eternal terms, one no longer needs to control life. Physical circumstances no matter how painful can just be small blips, like leaves landing on the surface of the water, or perhaps stones which break and cause a ripple when it gets bad. Yet, Christ in you, would create a deep seated "peace factory" in your soul, and this would radiate out to the world around you. People might even say, She/He is the King's daughter/son! It seems to me that this really is the only way to be a peacemaker...

 This thing of eternity seems to be what the early disciples grasped when they were beaten, and executed. Stephen looked out beyond the physical and saw Christ. Paul grasped the reality and said to die is gain for him. To me, this thing of accepting the Kingdom way is the only real way to be a peacemaker, and it simply means, I need to surrender my notion of the "good life" in exchange for His life of peace no matter what. This is not to say no fun in life, not at all, because now, I get to see and do what the King wants from me, oh, and this King is my Dad, what could be better than that? 

This has been Chapter 12 of Surrender!? To Who?

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Things Aren't Always as They Appear

 Supposedly, he was to manifest the so called superiority of the Aryan race. He was a German boxer, and in a much heralded fight, he traveled to America and he did knock out the mighty Joe Louis. So, this evil racist ideology from the Nazi regime seemed to be alive and well. (Joe was a black man.) Anyway, they had a rematch, and the German lost. So, a humilating defeat for this nazi boxer, taught him a lesson right? Wrong! He never was a nazi. He refused to join the nazi party, although he was drafted into the luffwaffe, that didn't make him a nazi. Hitler had him drafted and sent on suicide missions. Hitler was not happy. Anyway, he stood firm; he and Louis even became friends! That is their picture together in 1971. In 1989 a hotel owner who just happened to be a Jew invited him to the United States again, and there he thanked him for saving his life. Then the story came out, this German boxer, Nazi-propaganda puppet and all had quietly hidden 2 jewish boys during Hitler's regime, and then after things cooled a litle, he helped them flee to the United States! So, this has been a nutshell of the complex story of Max Schmeling. Things aren't always as they appear. Sometimes a person can be made to look bad, and be pressured, yet they stand and hang on to some core moral value in spite of it all. For that, I say, thanks Max! 

Saturday, January 8, 2022

It's All Ministry

 Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. Remember that the Lord will give you an inheritance as your reward, and that the Master you are serving is Christ. -Colossians 3:23-24 

 This is a teaching entry, an attempt to lay out everything I have learned about this topic at this point in my life in a written sermon or lecture. What is this topic? Well, I'm not entirely sure what to call it other than to say, it's all ministry. What do I mean? Well, are you a car mechanic? That is a ministry opportunity. You don't leave auto repair for ministry when you become a full time pastor. No, when you do that, you only switch your occupation in ministry. An occupation is simply what fills your working time. A ministry is defined as the duties of a minister. A minister is someone who serves. These definitions are very basic, but, research them, biblically speaking I think you'll find that I am at least partially correct in this. So, if you're a housewife for an occupation, and if you are a minister/servant in God's Kingdom, then presto, you're in ministry! Does this mean I am against those who do full time? No, not at all. I believe though, that the world is suffering partially because it has christians with jobs instead of disciples in ministry. So, let's say you're a used car salesman as a christian. You go to work because you believe you're earning the money for your family. As a Kingdom disciple who happens to do used car sales, you are going to work to see about, 1. Making a positive impact on the people you encounter; 2. Harvesting funds from this world to channel into Kingdom endeavors, and 3. Raising funds for future multiplication to increase the power of objective 2. What about your provision you might ask? God takes care of that. See the post about the seesaw to see how this might look. Now, if you're a business owner, none of these basic fundamentals change, again, they are 1. Investing time into people. 2. Moving money from the world to the Kingdom, and 3. Investing money in order to increase the power of the movement in 2. Or, to put it more simply, Kingdom profits. The practical living out of it as in amounts of money and risk dealt with change, and there might be more laying awake at night being tormented with worries and having to talk to God if your a business owner instead of a job holder, but, when this comes, the thing to do is to turn back to God, hold the business or any other thing before the Lord, with an open hand, and say, from the heart, Lord, this is not mine, it's yours. I own nothing. I own nothing. I own nothing! I OWN NOTHING!! It's yours Lord. I find myself having to do this type of thing quite often lately, but it's worth it. 

 So, how does this look practically? Well, I don't know what it means for you, but, I will let you look inside my heart a little in case it helps. From age 22 up until just last summer. (I am 31.) I wanted to be a full time christian counselor. I studied it, I did some of it, but I could never figure out how to position myself correctly, to end up in a spot where I could focus on counseling without having to do my own fundraising. Now, the type of counseling I wanted to do is excellent, it involves praying with a hurting person, and helping them hear from God, it involves moving a religious christian with a life of religious rituals into a real authentic relationship with the Lord. It involves being humble enough to know that as a counselor, you are only making introductions so to speak, all healing comes from the Lord. I am still ultra passionate about this, and somewhere in all my private writings is a ministry idea that would specialize in this very thing. (I still want it done, but I no longer need to be the one doing it, that is the difference. In fact, I really don't have time to do it full time, because that is not my position, and today, I am glad.) However, last summer, the chip was taken off my shoulder, and I realized for the first time that my calling is to show the Lord's redemption to the world around me, and that this was supposed to happen, period. Regardless of position, this was the calling, the position was a separate issue altogether. See the difference here. So, I threw myself into the work, the position God had me in at that time, and now I stand here before you, or rather sit in my dilapidated desk chair before a second hand computer sorta kinda-ish virtually before you, at the start of a new chapter, where I can actually help enable the very need I see in this world to be filled; and it's all becoming possible because, I stopped needing a position and started living in ministry. Here is another story along the same lines as my personal story. In that case, they used a position of blacksmithing to share the story of Christ dying for our sins. 

 Now, I am cautious about how I write about my personal stories and triumphs, because I am keenly aware that I don't always live what I write, I am sadly still very human, and at times still very selfish, fearful, and at times, downright angry, yet I know because of Christ that is the old man that can be repented of and discarded. Freedom is always possible again. Pray for me as I look down the barrel of 2022. It's high time for the Lord's redemption to be shown to a hurting world, and I got work to do. No matter what it is, no matter how you put words to your ministry, may I remind us, that it starts at home? How is our spouse? Thriving, or hanging on for dear life? What about our children? Are they being cultivated as precious investments from the Lord which cannot be bought? Or are they lean, and starving for nourishment in soul, spirit, and/or body? One of the people who is manifesting redemption in the world is a very good friend of mine, and I am wanting him and his beautiful family to be fully funded so that his family continues to do well. I am not asking you to help fund him. I am asking you to research and pray, then help fund him if you feel so led. Here is his patreon page. If you have questions about what he is up to, feel free to reach out, I can share a few more details with you and also get you in touch with him. Regardless, the Lord will take care of him, but maybe He wants to use you to do it as well as me? I don't know. However, I am thankful for people like him, who are willing to spend all their working hours restoring relationships with Christ in a world that has gone completely off the skids ever since the fruit got eaten in the garden of Eden. 

 I have learned a lot from Bobby Eaton in these matters, and would suggest if you wish to learn how your specific business or job could be a ministry to contact him for advice. He has lived this business is ministry truth for a long time, and I feel like I am just starting this race. However, I would love to hear from you as well. 

 For how you might find the ministry in your personal finances, I would suggest reading Craig Hill's 5 Wealth Secrets. Again, I would love to hear from you as well. 

  Earlier in this entry I said, "This is a teaching entry, an attempt to lay out everything I have learned about this topic at this point in my life in a written sermon or lecture." In that attempt, I have failed. There is so much more to say, but, I think this entry is long enough.....I will have to take another swing at it later.