By a brook somewhere near the Jordan river sat a man. This man looked to have nothing, there was no roof over his head, and there was no U-Haul full of belongings in sight, just clothes on his back and possible a satchel of belongings. However, he was a prophet named Elijah, and God had told him to come here for a time, so while he was here, he drank from the brook, the water was ok. Ravens brought him bread, and meat. So he had all he needed. (1 Kings 17:1-6)
Thousands of years later....John Doe sits in his recliner, he has a roof over his head, he has a fridge and a freezer full of food, a tv on the wall, where he can watch football or Nascar on the weekends. Outside he has a grill, and a big beautiful yard. John Doe is plugged into the local economy with a solid day job, so he has things to do, things that keep him healthy, work, productive activities that stimulate his mind and give him a sense of belonging. He turns a faucet and fresh clean water comes out into his glass. He can go to his ice box and chill it if he wants, or he can put it in his coffee maker and get a little energy kick. Ultimately it's because of a good God, who meeting his basic needs for food and drink, also went ahead and gave him things he wants, and things to do, to keep his body and mind sharp and active. John Doe doesn't have to deal with boredom or all the problems that come with an idle mind. So, God has been good, but as John Doe sits on the recliner tonight at 6pm in his time zone, what's on his mind? "Oh God, I hate my job."
It looks to me like John Doe should be a fictional character, but this AM, it came to my attention that in some ways, I was John Doe. Note, I said "was", that is the gift of repentance, also from God. I don't know what to call this entry, but, I went with a thing of perspective, "Living Loved" means, I see what God is doing for me, and I am loved exceedingly. "Feeling worked" means, I see my need to work to maintain all this stuff in my life, and if I stop then what? Living Loved has God in the center, meeting needs, giving things that I should be content without. "Feeling worked" has me in the center, I am working because I got to survive and keep up with the Jones's if possible....