Disclaimer: The financial teaching below is what I believe to be true and accurate, biblically speaking. It should not be read like a "how to be a millionaire". It's also not whatcha call prosperity gospel, that stuff isn't really gospel to my way of thinking. The real reason for this disclaimer is, as of 2022, 1. I am not a millionaire, and 2. I am not able to give as much to the Kingdom as I want to. So, what follows is not so much a way I am teaching you to live as it is a way that I intend to live. I will lay this out fairly methodically and thoughtfully for my benefit and will do so publicly for your benefit. (Hopefully! :D) Check back in 2042 and we shall see how this went. :)
1. Reserves. There is a benefit to having cash on hand. You never know when the air conditioner might go catawampus. Also, unfortunately, a large percentage of the population drives GM products, if that's you, start a fund for a new: engine, transmission, wiring harness, and maybe even a Ford logo. (I kid, I kid.) Well, you get the point, reserves serve as a big beautiful border wall between you and Mexi....er debt. That's right, reserves can protect you from debt. When there is an emergency, it's hard to shop for a good interest rate. With reserves, you don't have to think about such things, just fix the AC!
2. Investments. There are places to spend money that will generally increase in value. Property, precious metals, stocks, business ventures, etc. All these things carry their own level of risk when it goes wrong and rewards when it goes right.
3. Living Costs. These are things that really don't increase in value. For example, new vehicles, big boy toys, and ultimately, anything that doesn't fit in the monthly 40%
So, all that is pretty straightforward, I doubt I said anything you didn't already know. I want to make this point. If it is actually God's money, then I would say that every time a decision is made on which of the 3 directions to go, there should be a long and earnest conversation with God and if applicable, your spouse. I don't want to tell you how to divvy this out. I just want to impress on you that it's God's and He should have first dibs on the decision.
So wrapping this up then. 20% is given away. 40% is spent every month. 40% is saved in our scenario. This equals 100% of the resources God has blessed you with. However, this is not the point. The point is this:
1. Identify that the funds we earn are actually given by God to meet our needs.
2. See that our work is ultimately a for-profit ministry. No less important than a non-profit ministry.
3. Take this ministry very seriously, and intentionally acknowledge the 3 basic ways to make money "go away."
4. Ask God to inform or guide you on how much goes towards each of the 3 directions and plan your financial roadmap accordingly. For you that might be 10 90 10. Or 50 20 30. You get the idea. I don't expect this to be the same for everyone.
Recommended Reading (Also available on audible.)