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Thursday, January 28, 2021

But They Wanted a King

  Israel had an interesting form of government. There was no king, at least not a physical one. There was God, and He was always right, things in Israel went great when God was listened to. Things in Israel went poorly when God was not listened to. There were prophets, they helped discern the voice of God. One of them was good, his name was Samuel, but alas, his sons were not good, they were corrupt, they took bribes, had special interests, sound familiar? God could have spoke to his people, a solution could have been found, but they wanted a king. So a king they got. Things were never quite the same. Now the well being, even the very existence of Israel seemed to depend on how well the king listened to God, where then was the choice of the people in this? See:1 Samuel 8-to the end of Old Testament for details.

 God had a plan, God always has a plan, and He's always right. He decided to make a physical appearance, in His son. A creature 100% human and 100% God. Jesus came, was the ultimate sacrifice for all, and brought forth His bride, the church. After God physically left, He came in form of the Holy Spirit, indwelling in all who believed. Leading, guiding and spreading light. Fast forward, a lot has changed, because the church met a world government, and they liked each other. A new nation, America. The church is in America. The people have Christ within, the ability to learn, grow, shine light, sharpen each other and not repeat the mistakes of Europe. However, we wanted a king. Enter the era of mega churches, administrative style church leadership, pastors worth millions, overpaid, or over worked, sometimes both at the same time, counselors within and without, picking up pieces, praying with people. A passive audience, spectating and realizing deep within that this isn't as interesting as football (insert your favorite sport here) and wondering, isn't there more than this? There is more, there is an indwelling power in all believers but we wanted a King so our leaders "get to do it all". 

  The United States of America is in trouble, people are worried, it looks like the disunited states of somewhere in North America. Things were worse in the past, but we didn't live through that. The church has the indwelling life, but the people are not united either. Some say that socialism is from hell. Others say socialism is how you are best able to be your brother's keeper. The indwelling life is still there, and all people who believe and have it, could turn to God, the answer could be revealed in the shower of light, but a candidate says he will "make America great again", and we wanted a King. Later when this candidate shows several character flaws that further drives his political opposition wherever they went, they have an opportunity to not respond in kind, to not be driven by him. They have access to that indwelling life, some of them already have it. They could lead, and consult God. However another candidate, a soft spoken old man promises to "bring decency back to the White house" and we wanted a king. 

A lot of this is just my opinion, and I never directly mentioned voting until just now. I don't care if you vote or not, I don't really care to much who you vote for. Also, it doesn't really matter that much what I think, but if you did vote, I bet God is really interested in the why. 
