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Monday, May 31, 2021

What is a Biblical Laity?

 This is a follow up to a post I wrote about church, that can be found here: To date, that has been the most popular post on this blog, and has generated some interesting discussions with friends. I am thankful for those discussions, because, although I express myself a lot, I am still learning like everyone else. 

 One of the biggest pinch points in the previous blog was about leadership, if hierarchy is bad, what is leadership without it? Where can you see it? What does it look like? This entry seeks to reframe that question. What if the change does not need to be happening only with the leadership itself, but also in the way people following these leaders behave? My point is this, are laity, or more specifically, Christians who are not leaders, supposed to be servants or disciples in terms of their relationship to these leaders? 

 Servants: In scripture it usually means, a slave, or a child who works for you, or someone who serves as a minister, like a waiter or waitress to a king. In today's western world, thankfully, slavery no longer happens, and so the closest analogy I can think of is the employee employer relationship. For me, this is interesting, because, believe it or not, as of now, I don't make money writing. So, my dad is also my boss, or employer, at work, I have an awareness that he owns my time. At work, it is the same relationship that employees should have with employers in every good work environment, I am selling my time to him, and so while I am at my place of work, I carry out his wishes, and operate more or less as representative pursuing the best interests of his company. On the day I no longer want to do this, I quit, that is almost all the say I deserve to have in this matter. This is servanthood. 

 Disciples: A disciple is a learner, or a pupil. Someone who learns from his master. When my dad and I are not working, weather in a slow time at work or outside of a business context, our relationship changes, we are father and son, I am an adult, so I am not compelled to blindly obey him, but I do or I should learn from his wisdom. He is now one of several older men who I call on for advice in various situations. On the day that I no longer want to learn from an older man, I don't have to, they don't have that control over me, there is not a matter of me having to cut ties with their operation, my time or anything about me is not owned by them. It is my loss, if I leave their counsel.

 I submit to you, based on the examples of Christ, and the first apostles in history, that in the spiritual realm, we should be disciples to our leaders and not servants or slaves, if  I am wrong, I value your input in this, if we agree, keep reading. 

 So, we have a hill to climb, we will call this hill the Christian journey on earth, and our finish line is that precise point when the Lord calls us from this earth and into the next phase of our eternal existence. You are climbing this hill, and you see beside you, in front of you, and behind you, others climbing this hill. This is your church family. If you don't like the people you find yourself climbing with, you can move to a different part of the hill and climb with a different family. Be careful though, in doing this, you may go backwards, always talk to the Lord about where he would have you going forward. Move to a different group, if it helps you go forward. With no defined finish point that you can see, why go forward? Because the Lord is in you, and drawing you, and so He is carrying you forward, closer and closer to the heavenly realms in all things, and as you go higher, and higher, you leave behind the earthly things that have wrapped themselves around you. If the Lord is really speaking to you, and your are really speaking to him, perhaps you find yourself pulling alongside your leader. This is where the shoe pinches. 

 If you are climbing this hill with the mentality of a servant, you walk in the footsteps of your leader, and you repeat the things he says. You advance when he advances, you detour when he detours. If you are climbing with the mentality of a disciple, you learn from all the things passed down to you from leaders above you, and you learn from the Lord in you and above you. You climb faster and faster, not because of you, but because of the Lord. When the things you have learned and the things your leader has taught, combine in you to bring you beside your leader on the hill, you will learn if your leader thinks of you as a servant or as a disciple. If he sees you as a servant, he will label you as a rebel, or in redneck parlance, "he's gittin to big for his britches." If this happens, and you are truly alongside in the climb, the only thing I can think of is to treat him with utmost kindness and very graciously, without a single unkind word, thought, or deed, distance yourself and walk alongside someone else. If you find your leader speaking harshly to you, could it be you are still following him and are throwing knives in his back? If so, you have some repenting to do... If your leader does see you as a disciple, when you come alongside, he will give you a baton, it may come in the form of a blessing, a commissioning, or simply a general sense of permission to carry on, even if it means going above him. Always respect those who have gone before, even when you find yourself working beside them in some areas, realize, that they may still be ahead in other areas. Because this climb happens in your soul, and it is extremely rare that your Godly virtues all climb at the same rate. 

 In conclusion, I believe, it is not leadership that is the entire problem in the church of today, but, the non-leaders. You are disciples, disciples serve, because their master Jesus Christ served. Servant is not your identity, by servant, I mean slave. God bless you, as you allow Him to move your soul from a position of oppressed slavery, to a position of obedient discipleship. We are ultimately all disciples under Jesus Christ, even the leaders are. 

Friday, May 28, 2021

"5 bullets in 'im"

  "I told 'im I'd put 5 bullets in 'im and save the 6th to make sure he's dead!" the old man bellowed at me from across the desk. I wasn't upset, the old man wasn't threatening me. He had come in looking for a small lawnmower to do some trim work. With supplies the way they are this year, we didn't have what he wanted, and so he decided to make small talk about classic cars. 

 The old man had a classic corvette, I could tell he adored this car. He had a cover for it, and he kept it covered. He wanted to hide the car behind some bushes he had planted, but, unfortunately the bushes weren't tall enough. One day, he found to his alarm, someone had uncovered his car and opened the door. A stranger, was touching his car, on his property! The old man bellowed at him. The stranger told him he was interested in buying parts off it. The old man pulled out his gun and threatened to kill him if he didn't leave the property immediately. "I told 'im I'd put 5 bullets in 'im and save the 6th to make sure he's dead!" He bellowed. "I told 'im he mighta scratched the paint when he pulled the cover off!" "You wouldn't do that would you?" I assured him I wouldn't go onto private property and touch someone else's property without consent....the old man calmed down and then he said the statement that is the reason for this whole post. "I hate to be this way, because I am a Christian, but, don't touch my car!" 

 I like the old man, I actually found his honesty refreshing, because, ever since Christians got involved in government around the time of Constantine, I had been concerned that maybe the church suffered as a result. It is a bit intangible, for it's hard to sum up quite how things are worse, but, there was this sense that maybe, being a Christian today, doesn't quite mean the same as it did in the days of the early church, when Christ's beatitudes in Matthew 5 were to be prayerfully considered and obeyed fairly literally. Sometimes today, it seems those thoughts from Christ are more regarded as interesting theories, and obedience to them is optional. In theory, I would love to witness to people about the transformational nature of Christ, and the victory of giving up everything, everything that I thought of as mine and my whole soul as well, and letting Christ rule your whole soul, life, and everything. I have not attained, I am not yet fully surrendered, but I continue to choose that thing of surrender, and I would love to invite others onto this journey. I see people going to 3rd world places and having great results with this message, but, the people I talk to are already Christians. So, how do you lead a Christian to Christ? That is the tricky bit. 

 I would like to thank the old man for what he said to me, I mean no disrespect for calling him that, He has been around and seen many things, and is very wise in many ways because of it. I don't know his name, and I wish I did. He honestly showed me a thing about himself that I suspected to be true of many other people I get to talk to. Many Christians in America value a material possession more than the life of another person, if that other person is unlawfully messing with their property. That is their right, and if that is how they want things to be, I am willing to let them. This is one example of many, I hope you see that I am not wanting to just pick out property value, but to look at the whole nature of our Christianity, of our indwelling Holy Spirit, and see how much of us is the Lord actually allowed to consume. What is the Lord allowed to consume of you? 

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Who Defines Your Name?

 A young man was standing on a train platform. There was a big crowd, and he found himself being pushed to the edge of the platform, with his back against the train car. This situation would have been fine, but, the train car began to move. The young man got knocked off his feet and was hanging into the open space between the train and the platform. He was in a helpless predicament and his end seemed to be imminent. Suddenly, a strong hand seized his collar and pulled him up to the platform again. The young man thanked his rescuer and life rolled on.

 Just a little over a year later, the young man's father was watching a play with his wife and some friends. His life had been stressful, and the night was relaxing to his soul. Yet, all was not well, for the rescuer's younger brother sneaked into the booth where the young man's father sat and shot him in the back of the head. The young man's father died. It was tremendous time of grief for his wife, and, people say she lost her mind, for only one of "her men" outlived her, and so she had to mourn at the grave far to often. The young man's brothers all died before adulthood. Her husband got murdered. The only one of "her men" who outlived her was her one son, who had been rescued at the train platform. 

 The rescuer was horrified at the actions of his younger brother, the murderer. One thing of comfort to him was a personal letter of commendation from a friend in the army who told him who the young man was he rescued. Later, the General of the army, one Ulysses S Grant, sent a letter of gratitude to him as well, for he was friends with the young man's dad. 

 The young man was Robert Todd Lincoln, and he fell off the platform, but was rescued by Edwin Booth. A year or so later, Edwin's younger brother was radicalized to the point of murder and assassinated President Abraham Lincoln, i.e. Robert's dad. Thanks to the actions of Edwin, Robert was around to take care of his mother in her old age, for all the other men in her life had died of various causes. 
 Maybe your a Booth, so what, your name doesn't define you, you define it. Better yet, surrender it to God and let him define it for you. 

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Brother against Brother?

 The year was 1863, and the Union army had invaded Mississippi under the direction of Ulysses S Grant. They were stronger than the confederates in this area. The tide was turning in the war at this stage it seemed. The confederates fell back, and set up defensive positions on Champion Hill. The battle was hot and heavy, like all civil war battles, eventually though, the Union's superior numbers and supplies overran the Confederate positions, and it became a matter of taking prisoners. A union colonel named John McLaughlin picked his way through the bloody battlefield and found a confederate lieutenant. He took him prisoner. The confederate's name was Henry McLaughlin. 

 Years earlier, in a different life, and a different time, there was a close knit family in Indiana, the parents loved their children, the brothers loved their sisters, and from the outside, based on what we know, it was more or less the way a family should be. However, later in life, when the boys had grown, Henry moved to Alabama, married and started a family. That's when the war came. Henry chose to join the Confederacy, and John stayed in the Union.

 John was not pleased with Henry, he seemed to see in Henry a traitor. Henry was kept in Union captivity with no known sympathies or regards from John until their mother could take it no longer and put in a plea to President Lincoln. After Henry swore an oath of loyalty to the Union, Lincoln let him go. It is hard to know quite just what to think of this story. Henry was in a tight spot, as far as which family he should betray. John, seemed to resent being betrayed, and it is hard to blame him. Both brothers believed in fighting for their homeland, and both stayed true to that belief. 

 Leaving the McLaughlin's now and going above the physical, and poking our head into the spiritual realm, it's cloudy up here, but as you wait, and the earthly mists clear away, may I ask you, can you see that tank over there? That mighty spiritual fighting tank, covered in several layers of armor, righteousness, truth, faith and a roof hatch made of a strong impregnable stuff called salvation. On the tank, you see a big gun, made from the very spirit of God. (Ephesians 6) This tank, is your calling, your gifting, your protection, and your weapon in the spiritual realm. The Lord has built this tank for you, and it is not yours. He has leased it to you for your protection, and your defense. However, it has a gun, and because it has a gun, you can go on offense if you want to, in fact, your Creator may very well have given you a big gun for this very reason. What will you offend? Do you see that tank over there? It is made from the same things as yours, it might be better protected with thicker walls, but it has a smaller gun. It's gun seems to be sorta, kinda, pointing at you! This offends you, what will you do? Will you shoot? This tank has your brother in it. Would you shoot at your brother? 

 Somewhere out there, is an enemy host, making dark tanks, out of far inferior materials, materials like, deceit, corruption, and every wrong, distasteful, sinful act you can imagine. Things like revenge and malice are in their design blueprints. Will you employ the revenge and malice from their blueprints to attack your brother? They want you to. Which tank do you think your creator would have you shoot at? Do you think that maybe your tank should only be used by your commander? That voice in your ear, perhaps listen to it, and only move your hands and feet to work the controls in response to that voice? What if ultimate victory comes from being completely surrendered to that voice in your ear, and only responding to it, even if you walk a pathway of millions of tanks that look like yours, and yet, seem to have their guns pointed right at you? 

Monday, May 17, 2021

The Victory of Surrender

 China was taken aback, the Japanese had come, China was not prepared for the sheer brutality of it all. One world power (China) had to surrender Nanking to another (the Japanese), and thus began one of the worst atrocities the world has ever known. Years later, the Japanese found themselves between a rock and a hard place. The "Soviet rock" was invading and  pushing back their army, and the "American hard place" was dropping brand new mushroom cloud shaped cruelties like the world had never seen onto their cities. The world power of Japan surrendered control of their nation to the world power most apt to show them mercy, "the hard place". In Europe the same basic thing played out, A France unprepared for Germany surrendered it's nation to them, A Germany caught between a rock and a hard place ceased to exist as a nation for the next 40 plus years. For in this world, surrender is always tied to defeat, and in many cases, shame, oppression, and unimaginable suffering. 

 The Kingdom of Heaven is both mightier than all world kingdoms combined and it shifts paradigms in ways that cannot be fully appreciated by humans. Let's look at the leader of the Kingdom of heaven, a man named Jesus Christ. This man actually was a real human representative from the unseen realm, and he truly demonstrated what Watchman Nee would call "The Normal Christian Life." He reached out with his hands, and made mud that he used for healing, oh, and he was a blue collar worker, he did carpentry until probably age 30. His hands got dirty. He had a mind that was sharp, and divinely inspired, no Pharisee could cope with the "intellectual buzzsaw" of Jesus Christ's mind. They tried many times in many ways, and yet he would never be cornered and always gave the spectators a deep truth to ponder. Then there were all the times he cared. He cared about the shame a groom might experience and quietly made more wine without drawing attention to himself. He cared about his disciples, and calmed a sea, so they would not fear. He came alongside Peter and pulled him up onto the water again. When it would have been easier physically to command the sea to put Peter back in the boat, he came alongside him instead. 

 In typical world fashion, the time came when the powers of Jesus' world coalesced into an uneasy alliance to do away with him. They did not know the power he had to rain terror down on the entire earth from the heavenly hosts, if they had, they would not have tried to defeat him. Since they did not understand this, they looked strictly through an earthly lens, and decided that bringing Jesus to a place of surrender would be the way to get rid of Him. However, Jesus, unbeknownst to them, "flipped the script" and played along. He allowed them to press a crown of thorns into his head, puncturing his brain, and ruining the fineness of his intellect. He allowed them to drive the nails into those outstretched hands, that had so often reached out to help and end suffering, thereby scarring them for eternity. He even allowed them to drive a spear into his side, (that side that he come alongside the suffering, the depressed, and encouraged them so often) creating a wound that also formed a scar for eternity. He was laid in the grave, and he had surrendered all.

 It was the 3rd morning in the grave, Jesus got up and stretched, he felt his side, his hands, his head. Scars, but no pain. He walked out of the grave, and manifested a new power, a power to appear at anytime and anywhere. A power to impart himself inside any human who was willing to receive. It was a far more profound victory than the military kind had ever been, and it had been achieved through the strategy of surrender. So today, we have wondering around this earth so many "little Christs" (Christians) and the only thing that keeps them all from experiencing ultimate victory is their refusal of ultimate surrender. The only thing that keeps the whole world from experiencing world peace, the end of at least the vast majority of if not all suffering, and poverty, and all manner of horrible afflictions is again, ultimate surrender. 

Friday, May 14, 2021

Genesis 1

1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

There was a beginning, and God was there, God created heaven, the word heaven could mean the celestial realms, or the sky, or both. God created the earth, the blue ball we are on, the ground. So God was there, and God knows, he saw the beginning, and he is around now, he knows all things. Evidently God did not want to be alone, because he created, and with no blueprints, and no one else to inspire him, he is obviously the root of all creativity.

2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

Without form meant, to lay waste, to be worthless, or like a wilderness, barren, void meant empty, the deep was probably a deep sea, and it was dark, like night. The spirit of God, or the breath, and life of God moved over this surface of water.

3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

God said it, it happened. God is not bound by science, God does not require an object he created to be able to understand or comprehend, or even to exist in order to obey him. He commanded light, and light happened. No mention of the darkness over the water now. 

4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

Here we can catch an idea of a God who loves light, he takes a moment to look at the light, and to admire it, he sees it is good, and is happy with it. God loves light. It is impossible for my human mind to grasp the idea of light and darkness being swirled together, or mixed. A light is on, and darkness only creeps in around us as we travel further from the light. However, having just deemed light good, as he created it. He separated light from darkness, and it has been separated ever since, thank God. 

5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

God has the light and the dark separated into 2 different times, named day and night. He now sets the whole planet rotation in motion, that natural ongoing cycle we take for granted, a day to see and move in, and a night to rest and sleep in for most people. For some, the other way around, but regardless, 2 distinct phases of a day to plan around for general health. 

6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.

God made an expanse of something, a firmament and divided the water into 2 sections. 

7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.

So God made the firmament and had water above the firmament and water below it, and that’s how it is, God willed it, so it is. 

8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.

Here we see that the firmament is heaven, and we learned that he divided the water, so that earth and heaven would both be supplied, all this was accomplished on the second day. 

9 And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.

Here God asked the water below heaven to consolidate, to put itself in one place, and this happened just like he wished. When he did, dry land appeared, like he knew it would, just like he said it would. 

10 And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good.

Here God named this dry land earth, and we learn where our ball of living space came from. The water he called seas, apparently he allowed it to consolidate in more than one spot. God takes time to look over this, and he likes what he sees, it is good.

11 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.

Here we see God looking over his earth, a land of promise, and at a spoken word, it sprouts and produces grass, herbs, fruit trees, all with the ability to reproduce. We see God uses things to their potential, and we see God is a farmer, the ultimate farmer.

12 And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

The ultimate farmer looks over this vast array of reproducing production that he set into motion and he is pleased, it is good.

13 And the evening and the morning were the third day.

The third day was dedicated to “farming”.  In one day, with spoken word, our God planted the entire world. 

14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:

Here God is now putting the lights in, our stars, moon, sun, other planets, for us to look at, read directions, and times from. Things we take for granted, but wouldn’t want to do without.

15 And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.

God took extra care to position the lights to be most useful for us, far enough away to not be too hot but close enough to be useful, he really cares about us. 

16 And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.

God had two lights especially designed for our light sources, a big one for our daylight to see where to work, and a smaller one as a night light. We as humans, tend to like our houses well lit, but then when we want to sleep, we turn them all off except for the really small ones, sometimes a dim night light to see when walking. God designed the earth this way, with some variety, different moon phases for different levels of night light, and day light that varies from summer to winter in it’s warmth, from cloudy to sunny in it’s radiance. There is a light for everyone, no one is left out. 

17 And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth,

We see where God set them in place, and today 6000 years later, neither one has deviated far enough from it’s factory settings to cause us any trouble. We as humans admire build quality and reliability, well what about God’s build quality, and reliability? It’s amazing.

18 And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good.

These lights rule our days and nights for us, and I’m not sure what we would do without them. God again looks over it all, and is pleased. 

19 And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.

The entire world lighting system was done on day 4.

20 And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.

God asks for the waters to team with living creatures. Bring forth abundantly could translate as, let the water fill or team with living creatures. Fowl would translate as flying creatures, so that would be birds, bats, and flying dinosaurs, so God asks for creatures that can occupy, and fly through the open air above the earth, and creatures that can occupy, live in the water. 

21 And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

God added whales to the water, along with all the other sea creatures, he set the reproduction cycle in motion for all water creatures, and flying creatures. Other interpretations for the word that was interpreted as whales is, sea monsters, dragons, or serpents. God looks at it all and sees that it is good.

22 And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth.

God blessed them, told them to be fruitful, to multiply, to reproduce in seas and in the earth.

23 And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.

This all happened on day 5. 

24 And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.                               God asked for living creatures on the earth, cattle, or another way to translate, beasts, and creeping things, all after their kind, and so it was.

25 And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good. God made them all after their kind, and he saw that it was good. He looked at it and was pleased.

 26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. God said, let’s make man in our image, the word man here probably translates better to mankind or humans. God also uses the plural, “let us, in our”. This reflects the triune nature of God. A 3 part God in harmony with Himself. “In our image” means that humanity is made to look like God. Like a miniature likeness of God, or a reflection of God. If “man” does indeed include all humanity, then women are also made in the image of God. I believe they are. Also, with all the other creatures God had made. He said that man is to be over them all, to have dominion over, ie dominate over, and looking at the world today, this is definitely the case, no other creature has employed science, water, and fire, the way humans have. This gives us a huge advantage over animals in every area. 

27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. God did it, and He made them male and female, both in his image. This would imply it takes at least 2 to reflect the image of God. 

28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. God put a blessing on us, this blessing may be the reason that we are able to make things work for us. Our ability to make cars, boats, trains, and planes for example. Whereas animals are only able to run, fly, and swim fast. God asked us to fill the earth and to make it work for us. It is a lease in effect that he has given us. This then brings the question around, how are we doing? Are we harvesting the earth’s bounty and using its potential while at the same time caring for it and repairing it? The American right talks well on the fruitful harvest, and the American left talks well on the replenishing and repairing, but what are we actually doing? Both matter, let's do what actually works for us and the globe God has so kindly leased to us. 

29 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. God has explained here that herbs and fruits provide food and seed both. Food for the now, and seed for the future. 

30 And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so. God explained that he gave the green herbs for the other living things. We get all, they get the greens. 

31 And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. Everything was good.

Thursday, May 13, 2021

The Miracle of Redemption

 I was hurting, hurting in ways I didn't fully understand. Situations in life had left me feeling unneeded, unwanted, and put on a shelf. On the inside, I didn't really know if I had what it took, and I wasn't entirely sure who I was. I didn't really know how deep I hurt because I didn't let myself feel it all the way yet, I had earned a little respect, as someone who understood renewal, and I needed to be solid, and help others, or so I thought. We had been invited to a training week event, and I knew from experience that like most things Steve Stutzman planned that I would enjoy it and find to much to process and to little time to do it, so, we went. That's when I met him, the one and only Bobby Eaton. At first, I thought, another kind Mennonite man in his early 60s or late 50s, I exchanged cordial small talk and retreated to a comfortable chair in the other end of the room, for I was tired, and had been up with the dairy farmers, even though I am not one of them. He came and talked with me, and took interest in who I actually am, so we talked, and I learned he had written a book. A book about who Bobby was. Well, I know who Bobby is, as the week went on, he cried with me, and he told me who I am, later he gave me a note of a lot of those same words, and it meant a ton, I still have that note, and no I won't share it here in public, so far, only close friends and family have gotten to see it. He has the heart of a father. He allows God to use his body to show God's fatherly love for you. It was so good for me, and I know Bobby would want you to know that it wasn't him, but the Him, our Father. I picked up one of Bobby's books, and had him write that same note in it for me, and we went home. 

 Last night, I read the book. I got angry, at the things done to the little boy Bobby, and then at the things Bobby the man did. I teared up, at the hurt the little boy experienced, and at the hurt his family experienced. The book is good, you should get yourself a box of tissues, and the book, and settle down when you have no other commitments pressing and just soak it up. Then, when you meet the man Bobby today, you will realize that there is a miracle in all this. A renewal has been done. Bobby would probably say, it has been started. Bobby is humble like that. How can a man who has never experienced, real, true fathering growing up, be such a good "father figure" to people who he has only known for 3 days? Bobby would say, It's all God, and as much as I admire him today, I concur. I also say that he has an amazing wife, she is still with him, still loyal to him. I admire her determined willingness to just turn to God, hang tight, and wait on him, during her darkest hours. I can't fathom how I would do in that situation, it has to be God again. So, go and get this book here:

 Based on what I understand of the atheist religion, and yes I call it that, because all people worship something or someone in my opinion. They do not believe in the existence of Bobby Eaton. There must be something there, a thing, where he is still an Eaton in the bad way, born and raised as one, and he pulled himself up by his bootstraps and got successful yes, but he must still be an abrasive hypocrite, he must still be angry somehow, their religion does not explain or account for the personality change, rather the "new creature" we have here. There is a powerful redemptive power that worked in Bobby, a complete renewing. He is a living and breathing proof that God's renewing works. The same Christ, who, knowing that he would literally be pierced in the side, came alongside humanity. That Christ, who was dead, and then pierced in the side went to the grave, and came back renewed, as in, alive again. His side was pierced, the scar remained, and yet, he still comes alongside you. He puts his arm around you. That is, if you'll let him. His side was pierced for you, and on some level, because of your sin, by you, and yet, he wants to come alongside you and call you brother, or sister. Will you let him? This is the power working in Bobby, he has merely been renewed by God. Christ came alongside him, and Bobby became his brother. Now, Bobby acts a whole lot like Jesus' little brother. I am concerned that Bobby will be uncomfortable with all the things I said about him, because he doesn't seem to like being the focus, but, this is all glory to God. Bobby really only gave God permission to redeem him, and God took that permission with gladness and did an amazing work. 

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

So the World May Know

 Here he comes again, he is a good young man, and he is writing for me. Once again he asks, if I might like to include in this story a time when I said something so profound, that even the Lord himself stopped and praised me. He tells me that one of my friends plans to write about it. I pause and reflect, and then I slowly shake my head. I tell this young man that, this story really is not about me. In fact, since you the young man are doing all the actual writing, I want your name to be credited as the author. For I appreciate your faith in the one true and living God. However, with me as your source material, I ask that you do not include the things I did then that were profound, smart, wise, and noble to your way of thinking. I don't want the world to know me, I want the world to know Him. He says, that I am very wise, and that if I'm not careful with what I ask, I will go down in history as a lovable idiot, I tell him, I don't care. He shakes his head a little sadly, blots out a few lines from his manuscript, and leaves. 

 Dear reader, maybe you read my disciple's writings, and you see me as a dunderhead, who always put his foot in his mouth, who always said the wrong thing. Yes, there is a lot of truth to that, I do like to talk, and at times, I do put my foot in my mouth, but, the thing is, I don't need you to know what I'm good at, I don't need your accolades. I want you to see him. He is the answer, not I, but him. I don't think I even want to die like him, I am willing to suffer yes, but I don't feel worthy to die like him. I just want the world to know Him. Not this him, the Him. So, the world may know, you don't have to have it together, He just wants you. You can say things so wrong, that God shuts you down from Heaven, and that Christ rebukes the devil motivating you to your face, and you can deny and lie about your relationships, even after being warned that you would, and He will still want you. That is what I want you to know. This is why my disciple writes about me in this way, he doesn't like writing about me like this, but I want him to,

 There is a church, in a town, somewhere in the Roman Empire, a young man, has failed badly, he had a marvelous conversion, but, the prostitute down the street caught his eye, and he forgot about his new man in Christ. Now, he sits in his hut, afraid, and he knows that he betrayed the Lord, and that he is doomed. However, he hears an apostle coming, and because of what he heard about this apostle, and how freely this apostle admits his failings, he thinks, that maybe he understands, maybe he can help. So he talks with him, and this apostle knows all about betrayal, and how Jesus receives those who betray him, the young man repents, runs to the arms of Christ and is restored and made whole again. 

 Here we sit today, chuckling at the antics of Peter and admiring the energy of Paul, and yet, the early writings attribute the gospel of Mark, to Peter. For Mark was Peter's disciple, and he wrote down the things he heard Peter say. No gospel is as hard on Peter as Mark's. I have taken many liberties with this story, but, it's my way of saying thank you Peter, thank you for being vulnerable with the world, so that we all know, Christ accepted you as a close friend, surely he will accept me to....When I get there, I want to hear about you more Peter, about your victories, about where you went, and what you saw. Thank you Peter, for having us worship Christ and not you. 

 I have no evidence for many of the things I said in my "story", but I believe it to be true, for when I look at the evidence that I will explain next, what else could it be? The friend of Peter's that planned to write about his profound statement was Matthew, see Matthew 16:15-20. Now compare that with Mark 8:27-30. So, what Peter said is included in both, but, you cannot find the equivalent of Matthew 16's verses 17-19. The early church writers generally believed that Peter spoke the words that Mark took down, and attribute Mark's gospel as unofficially Peter's gospel. I was first made aware of this by a man who has done a very thorough job of studying the early church writings. Here is his teaching if you are interested: 

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

What The Bible Really Says About Church Leadership

 Let's look at leadership and do some word studies. What do the terms in the Bible mean? Let's find out together. 

 A quick note to keep it real before we give human effort too much credit. For the sake of easy conversation, we might say an apostle plants churches, but only God does that by bringing his children together. He might use an apostle to help do the work. He might not. We might say a shepherd cares for the flock, and yet, only God does that, he may use a shepherd to help do the work, but he may not.

 Ordained: (1 Timothy 2:7) It means to have been put into place, or appointed Our modern definition is: make (someone) a priest or minister; confer holy orders on. However, by "ordain" as Paul meant it God placed him as a preacher and an apostle. When a church ordains, they are supposed to simply align with, agree with, what God said, and appoint the way God already has. They are not to make a preacher out of a man or to grant a special platform or privilege to a man. Biblically, ordain & appoint are the same meaning Another point, whenever people are ordained or appointed by other people in the New Testament, it's only elders, deacons, and maybe bishops. I haven't found any New Testament support for ordaining the 5-fold ministry. So, if a church body gathers together, it would be wise for them to appoint a wise mature man or several depending on the size of the group to see after things, to host, etc. An elder you might say, or a bishop. Or they could also appoint someone to meet the physical needs of the poor in the group, a deacon. I use appoint because, in our modern definitions, it's correct. Our modern definitions are: Appoint: Give someone a responsibility to fulfill. Ordain: To make someone a priest or a minister. As humans, we don't get to MAKE anyone a minister. That's what God does in that person's heart through their obedience in their walk with Him. We only get to put the minister God made to work.

 Bishop: Occurs on its own or in a word about six times in King James Version. The modern definition of "bishop" that I found is: a senior member of the Christian clergy, usually in charge of a diocese and empowered to confer holy orders However, the Greek word that King James translated to "bishop" means superintendent, and a superintendent is a person who manages or superintends an organization or activity. So, what if when we ordain a bishop we are actually thinking of raising a spiritual giant to look after us when instead we should be appointing a mature man to look after the gathering and make sure everything goes well? So, instead of ordaining a bishop, let's appoint a superintendent.  

 Elder: Appears many, many times in old and new Testament both, and for the sake of this, I will focus on it as a church position (and for the other words that appear many times, I will treat them similarly) as Paul wrote about it in 1 Timothy 5, and Titus 1:5. It simply means, an older person, the idea being, if there are 2 mature Christians, then the older one probably has more wisdom. So, let's appoint elders for their wisdom, as Paul did, they don't get to live the younger man's life for him, or control the way he does it. No, they offer their wisdom and share their vast experience. There are physical and spiritual aspects to being an elder. A 36-year-old who was living in the faith as a disciple for 20 years is probably more of an elder than the 63-year-old who just met Jesus last week. An elder has a combination of physical and spiritual experiences that cause others to look up to him. So, they spotted these men in the New Testament churches and appointed them to look after the groups they were a part of. 

 Preacher: In the New Testament it's anyone who is an official messenger (herald) of divine truth, and especially, the gospel. Not just the famous ones with big platforms and a crowd of people listening in passive respect. There is no evidence that the church appointed any preachers. Shouldn't we all be preachers as defined in scripture? 

 Deacon: In the New Testament, it means to be an attendant, or a waiter, someone who serves, and looks after people in a church, similarly to what you might see a waitress/waiter in a restaurant do. Our modern definition:(in Catholic, Anglican, and Orthodox Churches) an ordained minister of an order ranking below that of the priest. (in some Protestant churches) a lay officer appointed to assist a minister, especially in secular affairs.

 Minister: The Greek word Paul used is the same as the word translated to deacon. The modern definition is a member of the clergy, especially in Protestant churches.

 Apostle: In the New Testament it's a delegate, or an ambassador, someone who is commissioned or sent out with a message. Often, but not necessarily always they plant churches. In modern times, it is either a term given for a modern catholic style bishop when a church is too cool to use the word "bishop" Or it is not allowed to exist as a function anymore, and a lot of the work is farmed out to mission organizations who send missionaries, which may in many cases are probably biblical apostles disguised as missionaries. In the New Testament, the apostles can seem like heroes to us for they carried the gospel to the far reaches and planted all these churches. Yet, they were not ordained/appointed to stay by a church and lead it like an elder. They were typically sent out. This is one of the 5-fold gifts to the body of Christ, let it function, but don't ordain or appoint a man under this label.  

 Prophet: A foreteller, someone who hears what God is saying and shares it. In modern times, they aren't really allowed to exist biblically in many cases because they are either not allowed to speak due to potentially upsetting a church's hierarchy, or are given power and control, called a pastor, and then hurt others with harsh rhetoric. Prophets were not appointed in the New Testament that I can see. They are important. They can be like the spiritual umpire who calls balls and strikes. Churches that refuse to listen to mature prophets are dangerous places. Heresies can multiply like rabbits in such settings. This is one of the 5-fold gifts to the body of Christ, let it function, but don't ordain or appoint a man under this label.  

 Evangelist: A preacher of the gospel. Or, it appears to mean, a preacher who specializes in sharing the gospel. In modern times, the evangelist is still allowed to exist, but the main abuse seems to be that everyone thinks an evangelist is Billy Graham, and that isn't the case, lots of great evangelists share the gospel in a "piecemeal discipleship" way in their workspace. This is one of the 5-fold gifts to the body of Christ, let it function, but don't ordain or appoint a man under this label.  

 Pastor: The word pastor only appears once in the New Testament, and then, it is plural. The Greek word "poimen" which is translated as "pastors" once, appears other times as "shepherd". So, the greek meaning confirms that shepherd is a more accurate translation in our modern times because that's what poimen means. A shepherd is someone who tends and rears sheep. In the church context, we are likened to sheep. Biblically speaking, a pastor is a sheep who cares for and looks after other sheep. The modern definition of a pastor is a minister in charge of a Christian church or congregation. All a pastor should have, and all he really needs to have to function is permission to care. What it takes for him to have permission to care spiritually, and emotionally is people who are willing to look in, and see what is going on in there, what needs to be renewed and surrendered. Physically, they should be willing and ready to admit they need help. The current institutional church climate does not offer any framework in A Sunday meeting for a person to be this vulnerable, or for a true biblical shepherd to respond to it. So, many of your true biblical shepherds end up doing some form of Christian counseling. This is one of the 5-fold gifts to the body of Christ, let it function, but don't ordain or appoint a man under this label.  

 Teacher: Most of the time, in KJV, a teacher is a fairly accurate translation in our modern English, the Greek word would mean something like an instructor. The only case I came across that was different was when talking specifically about a Jewish rabbi, i.e. a teacher of the law. I find it interesting and rather obvious, that this would be the one position, in our intellectual institutional Christian culture that is still fairly true to the biblical definition. Teachers are very important, God made them for a reason, but, this thing of ordaining, has silenced a lot of gifted teachers. I find it hard to believe that in a group of 50 men, only 3 are capable of giving a good 30-minute talk on a deep and meaningful truth from God on a given Sunday. On the other side of the coin, sometimes the thing of having to fill a time window every Sunday is stifling to the true spirit-filled teacher. What if a teacher is feeling led to make a 2-week long seminar that goes deep into the beatitudes, but no, he must spend his energy teaching the church every Sunday instead. This is one of the 5-fold gifts to the body of Christ, let it function, but don't ordain or appoint a man under this label.   

It's clear by now that I don't believe in appointing any of the 5-fold gifts or some of the others. Why? Because they are gifts, not people. Let's use the ever-popular pastor as an example. There are pastors, but they are pastors because of the gifting God put in them for this season. If you appoint an elder who cares for people well then you have an elder who is also a pastor. Now, what if heresy comes along? God might empower him to bellow "strike" in a kind way of course. If he's appointed an elder, then he'd be doing his job as a spiritual older brother and wiser sheep by doing that even though that particular gift "smells" of a prophet. If he's appointed as a pastor, then he's out of line. Because he wasn't appointed to be a prophet. The gifts are too specific, they don't move enough. This is good, they are supposed to be gifts, not walls to confine a leader inside of.  

 So, what's the answer? If you're reading this from a place of the laity, I would encourage you to start showing your leadership biblical respect, but don't bow to them. It hurts them to be put on a pedestal, they get overworked and have way too much pressure on their shoulders. Even if they think they enjoy it. I am not telling you to leave a toxic controlling environment, but pray into that and see what God would have you do to be free to get discipleship from God and grow into the person you are. If you read this from a place of leadership, be you, and by being you and allowing God to continually renew you, you will manifest in whichever one or combination of these roles that God has called you to. I also want to tell you that I'm sorry. I'm sorry for the pressure you have felt, to be perfect, to do all the work, and for the times you wanted your peers to be your friends and equals but instead they seemed to almost worship you. If we all move toward God's desire, our churches will begin to change almost immediately. 

Revised and updated on 01/06/2023. 

-Loren Yoder

Monday, May 10, 2021

The Problem with being a Disciple in a Christian World

 A lot of my blogs are idealistic, and conceptual, they are generally intended to inspire the few people that happen by to think deeper about something in their life, to connect more closely with a God who is there and wanting to speak with them. This is not that, this entry is a rant, maybe even a bit unhinged, I want to get it off my chest so.....

 Ok, I admit it, I like motorsports, basically automotive racing. I watch Indycar, (my favorite) Formula One, Formula E, Imsa, Wec, Supercars, and Nascar. In all the race series I have watched except one, their are clearly defined rules of engagement. You may not block, if your leading, and another driver pulls out to pass you, you may not swerve and force him to stand on the brake, this leads to wrecks, and possibly injuries or worse death. You may not bump someone out of the way to pass; when you catch someone, you must drive around them, not through them, a little contact side to side is ok, but bumping someone from behind so you can pass is not, this could lead to wrecks, injury, and death. Here is the exception, Nascar, in Nascar, most of the tracks are simple ovals, and the cars are actually very slow by race car standards, the track and cars do not lend to an entertaining spectacle like the grind of exotic Imsa machines pounding around the rough concrete roadways of Sebring, or Formula one cars zipping up and down the rolling hills of Belgium at insane speed, Or indycars taking wide, sweeping, 90 degree bends at Indianapolis at 225 mph, and you get the point. What Nascar has going for them is safety, the walls are foam, the cars are tough, and the speeds are low. So what does Nascar do for entertainment? Take a lenient stance on the rules, that's what. Drivers are not only allowed to block, they are encouraged to do so. Drivers are not only allowed to wreck each other for the win, they are encouraged to do so. There is risk of course, but Nascar has done a tremendous job of making things safer since the tragic passing of Dale Earnhardt, and drivers can get out of a car who took such a head on impact that the front tires are lifted off the ground, and just complain about their day not ending in a good finish. So, then, you would think Nascar would be fun, lot's of aggressive, chaotic driving, but nope. A Nascar race typically has some clean no contact passing early, and then the drivers settle in, and the fastest car leads. If another driver manages to make his car faster, he takes the lead cleanly, and drives away to victory. So the spectacle is a little boring, it's basically a demonstration on how to drive a slow car in a circle as fast possible. Of course there are exceptions but this is generally how it goes. So what gives? The drivers are friends. Let me repeat that, the drivers are FRIENDS. That's good right? Yea, it's good, but, what if the drivers are being paid millions by fans, Nascar, and sponsors to put on a show. The Kingdom of Nascar gives them so much, and they give so little entertainment because they don't wanna wreck they guy they went to church with last Sunday, they don't want to send their fishing buddy into a wall and wreck his car. So, where is the allegiance of nascar drivers? Towards Nascar, or towards their buddies? It's a bit of both, it's a divided loyalty. Honestly, I think it's good Nascar drivers are friends, Nascar should work on making the contest compelling instead of trying to make the drivers mean. 

 So why did I bring that up? Because I wonder why about many things. When I do a quick google search, I see where people are saying that Christians have a lower divorce rate than the world. My question, why are Christian divorce rates a thing? Do Christians know how God feels about marriage? For Christians who are single, either because their spouse left them or otherwise, where are our "Pauls" today? Why is Christian remarriage a thing? Do Christians not know how God feels about remarriage? Why do conservative right Christians like the death penalty? What did Christians want to do when 9/11 happened? Did they want to bomb the middle east or care for the hurting and witness to the lost? How did God see that whole thing? Is there a way to save America from the jaws of socialism as well as being true to the Kingdom of Heaven? If so, how? If not, please demonstrate to me why I should care about America in light of the Kingdom? I'm listening. When I read about the mark of the beast in Revelations, and the one world government, and everyone needing a mark etc. I do not see an exemption for America in it, so why, are Christians putting so much pressure on me to vote for their favorite pro war, pro death penalty, pro gay, pro divorce candidate every single election cycle? Please demonstrate to me why I should care who runs this country? Please demonstrate to me how working towards propping up a system of world government that has been kind to Christianity has actually been helpful to the kingdom of Heaven. Also, when there are people who don't have Jesus inside their hearts here in America, have they actually never heard of him, or did they decide by the vengeful, judgmental, and average/non-exceptional western attitude of the average Christian that there is nothing there worth having? That it's a cult of some kind? 

 So, I am desperately wanting to learn of God and His Kingdom, I am wanting to completely sell out to him, and I know it is not my strength; I know I cannot be good enough for him, but I am thankful that's not actually what he's after. Discipleship only means I give up to him, i. e. surrender. I want to learn the ways of discipleship. I want to "sell all", and I am "counting the cost". I want to "forsake all that is mine." I want to be "salt that has savour". In order to be this disciple, I need to be renewed as I have spoken of in my 5 part series on this blog. I cannot renew myself. So that is my priority, I want to be a disciple in the Kingdom of Heaven, and to all my fellow Christians who are fighting for any American cause, please either show me how my signing up for your cause helps my growth in discipleship, or leave me to it. I don't want to have divided loyalties in the spiritual realm the way a Nascar driver has in the physical realm. I am not against you voting or being politically active, not at all. I am only against me voting or being politically active, in anyway that hinders Luke 14 discipleship. Thanks for listening.

Thursday, May 6, 2021

1 Corinthians 11

 The following expository is a bit hard for western Christianity, however, this is how I see it. Bible verses in bold, and my commentary under each. You are free to disagree with anything I say, however, please check the Greek for yourself, and study prayerfully what Paul was saying, determine within yourself if you are actually disagreeing with me or with Paul, or the word of God. If you are disagreeing with me, let's discuss, you might be right and I might be wrong. If you are disagreeing with the words of God through Paul, I don't know quite how to discuss that with you, other than helping you to discuss it with God himself if needed. 

1 Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ. Paul is saying here to follow him while he follows Christ. So in essence, Paul is not so much leading, as in placing himself as the top of the chain of command, as much as he is following God closely, and urging others to follow him after God. This natural organic leadership style has a benefit in the way that a new leader can emerge for a new time as a new person gets closer to God. In the chain of command structure, a leader can stay too long, and hold onto power, when in God’s family, it’s never about power. 

2 Now I praise you, brethren, that ye remember me in all things, and keep the ordinances, as I delivered them to you. Paul commends the church for the way they are remembering him and his visit, and they are keeping the ordinances, or another word would be, traditions, that he taught them.

3 But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God. However, Paul continues, it is important to know that Christ is the head of every man. It is important to know that the man is the head of the woman and the head of Christ is God. Note, that the word head, literally means head when checked in Greek. It does not mean ruler, or boss. So, what is a head? Well, in the case of the grave, the coffin is underground, sheltered from the winds, and rains, and storms. What do we call the thing that marks the grave, the thing that is exposed to all those things? The headstone. In the case of the soldier, when he is hiding in the trenches, and he is looking for a way out, a way of retreat from the enemy, or he is plotting a way to victory, to advance, he is using his eyes, ears, and brain, so the part of the body where his eyes, ears, and brain are, what do we call it? The head. So, a head is a protector, a servant, when a head actually commands, it should be driven from a place of or motive of protecting, otherwise it is a boss, and a head is not a boss. So, Paul says, the Head is God over Christ, Christ over man, man over woman. This is headship protection, sort of like a guard dog who watches over and protects sheep, not a herding dog, who drives sheep from place to place. 

4 Every man praying or prophesying, having his head covered, dishonoureth his head. If a man values his head, which is Christ, then, the best way to honor Christ while praying or prophesying is to not wear any cap, or clothing of any sort on his head. In the intellectual west we always want to know why. Well, the why is not given to us here, but, God is right, and this truth is one of the few truths we can have blind faith in. So, this is right. So, pray and prophesy with a bare head, if you are a man who wants to honor your head. For some reason, western Christianity has almost no issue with this. Why is that interesting? Look at verse 5, and now we see where the shoe pinches...

5 But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered dishonoureth her head: for that is even all one as if she were shaven. Woman here in Greek could mean wife, or woman, so there could be some dispute on whether or not single women should wear a head covering. However, as it is written: In the same way that men honor by uncovering the head while praying or prophesying, a woman honors by covering while praying and prophesying. It is also clear that women are allowed to pray and prophesy, but their head is the man. Do they want to honor him? The question is not whether or not he deserves it, the question is, does the woman want to honor the man he is in Christ as a head for her (see verse 3). Or does the woman not want to honor that man? After all, if her man is a Christian, his old man is dead, the works of the flesh that are unpleasant are not his true identity in Christ. (Galatians 2:20)  If her man is not a Christian, she may still want to honor that ideal, that he could be, when he says yes to Christ, and no to his current God. Why? Again, just like for the men, the why is not given us here, but, again, GOD. IS. RIGHT. In either case, there is nothing here to indicate God would love you less or revoke your salvation if you wish to dishonor, but, if you do wish to dishonor, just know this, you are now doing it your way, and all the consequences wrapped up in this decision are yours as well. Paul expresses the view that an uncovered woman praying and prophesying is just as bad as a shaved woman doing that. 

6 For if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn: but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered. Paul is pretty blunt here, if a woman doesn’t want to cover, she should shave her head, if she doesn’t want to shave her head, let her cover. 

7 For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man. A man is the image of God, like a mini me, he should not cover, he should mirror God. However, a woman is the glory of man, she is more beautiful. 

8 For the man is not of the woman: but the woman of the man. Looking back to creation, the woman was created as the more beautiful counterpart to the man, the man was created first, and then a more beautiful creature was formed from his rib.

9 Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man. Since the man was created first, he was not created for the woman, but rather, the woman was created for the man, she completes him, and so this is probably why he is to head her. (Verse 3)

10 For this cause ought the woman to have power on her head because of the angels. I am not certain on what Paul means by power because of angels but studying the context this verse is in, and studying the Greek word for power, which translates to strength, authority, privilege or freedom, it looks to me like when a woman covers her head, it visually shows the angels, that she is speaking to God the Father and Christ the Son, directly, and not to her closest head which is the man. This commentary is my opinion at the present and may evolve over the course of time, learning, and revelation. 

11 Nevertheless neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord. Here it looks like Paul is emphasizing after all his talk on headship that men and women are still the same in terms of being human, in the image of God, in importance, and as part of the family of God etc. 

12 For as the woman is of the man, even so is the man also by the woman; but all things of God. In some way, a woman is always connected to man, for she comes from him at creation. However, in the way that man needed a woman, for he was alone, a man is almost always by a woman or drawn to a woman in some way, and this is a thing of God, he wants it this way. 

13 Judge in yourselves: is it comely that a woman pray unto God uncovered? Here Paul is basically asking of the church, think about it, is it proper for a woman to pray, to talk to God without some sort of covering? 

14 Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him? Paul asks, doesn’t it naturally seem that it is undignified and shameful for a man to have long hair? 

15 But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering. However, when a woman has long hair, not only is it dignified, it is glorious, her hair is given to her for a covering, it brings glory to her. So, how does this jibe with what Paul wrote in 5 and 6? When a woman prays or prophesies to God, she should cover her covering, so she no longer brings glory to herself, but rather brings glory to God, if she does not cover her covering, then she might as well be shaven, because either way, it’s not glorying God. Again, this does not have anything to do with salvation, or God’s love for the woman, it has to do with honor, and respecting one’s place in the headship. 

16 But if any man seem to be contentious, we have no such custom, neither the churches of God. It looks like Paul is saying, this is how it is, if someone disagrees, or seems quarrelsome about it then, we don’t have a different custom. This is how things are.

17 Now in this that I declare unto you I praise you not, that ye come together not for the better, but for the worse. Paul says I don’t praise you for coming together, because it isn’t for betterment, your coming together is for worse, or for bad. It seems that a church shouldn’t gather for the sake of gathering alone, but to care and improve each other, to make the bride stronger in a given region. If the church doesn’t do that, then they shouldn’t bother gathering at all apparently. In this case, Paul is not praising them, because gathering is making things worse. 

18 For first of all, when ye come together in the church, I hear that there be divisions among you; and I partly believe it. When they got together, they fought, split into factions, and had harmful disputes, or at least that’s what Paul heard, and he at least partially believed it.

19 For there must be also heresies among you, that they which are approved may be made manifest among you. It looks like the translation of heresy here is actually division. So, there are different factions in this church, and the approved doctrines, and or practices are taught, demonstrated, or performed in the various ranks. It isn’t clear how it all looked, but it was a very destructive, divisive culture based around multiple differing beliefs instead of one shared love for Christ. 

20 When ye come together therefore into one place, this is not to eat the Lord's supper. When they come together, they don’t come to eat for the sake of eating for nutrition, that is not what the Lord’s supper is for. 

21 For in eating every one taketh before other his own supper: and one is hungry, and another is drunken. However, people were eating and partying too much, one man might get drunk, while another one is still hungry because he didn’t get to the food in time. 

22 What? have ye not houses to eat and to drink in? or despise ye the church of God, and shame them that have not? what shall I say to you? shall I praise you in this? I praise you not. So, Paul wonders, don’t you have houses for eating and drinking? Do you despise the sacredness of the church coming together? Do you want to embarrass those who don’t have enough to eat? What to do with you? He is not impressed. 

23 For I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you, that the Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread: Paul wants to reset the real meaning of communion, or the Lord’s supper. In those days, it is thought by some, including me, that churches gathered for the Lord’s supper, whereas today, we tend to gather for teaching. 

24 And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me. Paul reminds them that Jesus asked his disciples to eat in his memory, not for nutritional value. 

25 After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying, this cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me. Paul reminds them that Christ asked them to drink in his memory, not to quench thirst or horrors, get drunk. 

26 For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord's death till he come. So, shew means, proclaim, teach, or preach. Whenever we commune, we proclaim, teach, and preach the death of Christ until He comes back. So, I think we are missing out by gathering for teaching instead of communion. I wish we could proclaim this at least weekly. 

27 Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord, unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. It looks like “unworthily” translates to “irreverently” as well, so, to commune irreverently, to take it lightly, to not surrender one’s self to God at communion means you sin against Him. 

28 But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup. So, one should self evaluate, am I surrendered to God, am I coming to Him in reverence and worship, if so, I partake. This weekly surrender, I feel like we are really missing badly today, no wonder our churches are full of un-surrendered thinkers, doers, and feelers, who think, do, and feel the right things on their own strength and then wonder why life is not abundant like God promised. 

29 For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body. The reason I speak of surrender is, worthiness, that is how we are worthy, we receive his life, and are a new creature in him, our old sinful self is dead. When an un-surrendered i.e. unworthy person partakes, they judge themselves, find themselves guilty and generally it seems, punish themselves. 

30 For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep. This is why I spoke of this thing of self punishment; it seems Paul said this is why so many of the Corinthian church has health problems, and sleep could mean death according to translation. None of what we mentioned speaks against the salvation of a person, it more looks like they ate and drank their own punishment for not fully surrendering, (for whom the Lord loveth, he chasteneth) and never does it look to be a church administration’s responsibility to police the communion and make it pure. It looks like the communion itself did the “policing” so to speak. In fact there is no administrative leadership ever mentioned here. 

31 For if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged. Ourselves here might translate to each other as well, it looks like Paul is saying, if we could judge ourselves, we shouldn’t be judged as in, we wouldn’t need it. Or, if we judged ourselves, we might not find ourselves guilty, as in we wouldn’t give ourselves a fair trial. Again, this seems to speak against modern church practices of policing or having closed communions. I might need other scriptures to provide context before entirely concluding that closed communion is wrong, or at least a bad idea.

32 But when we are judged, we are chastened of the Lord, that we should not be condemned with the world. When God judges us, and chastens or disciplines us, he is loving us, he doesn’t want us to be condemned with the world. 

33 Wherefore, my brethren, when ye come together to eat, tarry one for another. When you come together to eat, as brothers and sisters in Christ, wait for each other, be kind. 

34 And if any man hunger, let him eat at home; that ye come not together unto condemnation. And the rest will I set in order when I come. If your hungry, eat at home, before you come, so you don’t come together in a wrong way, I think Paul is wanting to avoid the frivolous feasting, and the greed, and all kinds of bad manners at communion. Paul wants people to be sober enough to ponder deeply, their life, their worthiness, i.e. surrender before they partake. There is more he wants to address, but it didn’t need to be included here, he wanted to address it in person.