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Friday, February 25, 2022

God's Kingdom

So, in the previous chapters, we sorted through the beatitudes within the story of the sermon on the mount. Now, having done that, we will hit pause on that study and zoom out a bit to discuss God's Kingdom. First, though, I want to take this opportunity to very briefly lay out what I see as the difference between a disciple and a Christian. (Christian is capitalized and disciple is not, this is simply a concession to the spell checkers.)  

I have from time to time spoken of disciples and Christians. I have been radicalized enough to believe there is a difference and have decided that I want to be a disciple. So, in this chapter, I want to briefly share what I honestly and genuinely believe that difference is, then we will go on to the main point, about God's Kingdom. This won't take long at all, so, here goes: 

 A disciple cares the most about God and His Kingdom. He cares more about that than anything else! 

A Christian cares most about Jesus and His ability to save people. He will live his life very much like normal for his culture but strives to be saved as well so that his afterlife is sorted out.  

So, hopefully, that answers many questions about what I believe the difference is. If you're interested in any further fleshing out about God's Kingdom, keep reading.

On some level, if you read any of my spiritual writings, this should be looked at as a belated chapter 1. This is the paradigm I look through with just about everything I write and believe about God, scripture, the church, work, daily life, the world, etc.

To further explain the rift that occurs, with that subtle difference let me flesh out the notion of God's Kingdom from my perspective as someone who strives to be a disciple. This fleshing out is where the simple title comes from. This is a very zoomed-out view of what I perceive church history to be, and if I'm mistaken, I hope someone will point it out to me. As I learn more, I may zoom in on different parts of the narrative. This narrative is very biased I admit, but I believe this is correct. Otherwise, I wouldn't write it! Perhaps someday I will see the same narrative from a Christian's point of view. 

At the beginning of the scripture, we see God wanting a relationship. We see His power. He created the world through spoken words. Then, He made man and woman in His image and formed them by hand from the earth He had created by His spoken word. He placed them in a perfect world and provided them with freedom of choice. The tree of knowledge of good and evil was there. The tree of life was there. They were told to not eat from knowledge, it would bring death on the day they did so. The devil convinced them that being able to see good and evil for themselves was actually good, they could be like God! So, they ate it and died. In this death, they were separated from their relationship with God, instead of merely being separated from their physical bodies in the way we think of death. So, it was a worse death than what we think of. 

As time marches on, the world becomes so evil that it just needs washing, so, all who desire after God are invited to rise above the turmoil of the flood in an ark. Unfortunately, there were only 8 who desired it. This 8 survives and repopulates the earth again. People attempt a sort of 1 world government; they try to reach God in Heaven by their own strength with a tower. God does not appreciate this, but rather than destroying them for their foolishness he gives them many languages so they scatter and replenish the earth like He had originally asked them to. Then God is ready to have for Himself a people again. It starts with a promise to a man named Abram, later Abraham, this promise is transferred generationally to his son Isaac, and then his son, Jacob. It is in a time of intense slavery and suffering in Egypt when God pulls out His nation, His people, and takes back the land He has promised for them. This physical nation had many flaws, with their sins and such, the power of God left and they got overrun. Eventually, they were relegated to just being a province in the Roman Empire. Along the way, prophets had spoken of a coming Messiah. 

Enter Jesus Christ! He was born in a manger and grew into a carpenter, then at age 30, he began to wander the earth and He taught things, some were hard to hear, these are things I am trying to explore in Surrender!? To Who? The Jews hated Him. He claimed to be the Messiah. He said He would die for us, and He did just that. It was brutal, R-rated. Yet, somehow, He got back up and walked out of the grave! This proved to me that He is the Messiah and that He had the power to end the Roman Empire and restore the physical Kingdom of God. Yet, He didn't, He took great pains to preach spiritual things. The Kingdom of God that is in and among the world kingdoms, a kingdom that transcends borders. A Kingdom that preaches hard things like turning the other cheek, and abiding in Christ to produce good works with His power. Anyway, Christ was up and walking about, now he didn't seem to always bother with doors, often just disappeared and reappeared as He wished. Finally, He told His closest followers to wait at a place for His return in the form of a "comforter." His disciples did so, and suddenly, one day, something came over them! They received clarity on the things Jesus had taught them! They were able to speak in languages they did not understand. They received a supernatural boldness and began to meet to worship the Lord together. They established these meetings in other areas by getting people to transfer their allegiance from their world kingdom to God's Kingdom. This spread and spread and spread.

For 100's years, this was faithfully followed, people would switch allegiance to God's Kingdom. They would get killed off by their world kingdoms or by the Jews for doing so, but still, they kept on. They were disciples! God's Kingdom was their first loyalty, and then, they would only obey the world kingdom when it did NOT conflict with God's Kingdom, for to do that was also one of God's Kingdom's policies. Then it happened, the world's first famous Christian was born, when the emperor of Rome at the time became, a believer in Christ. His name was Constantine, and he wanted to be saved. As time went on, many disciples became Christians and began to wrestle with tough things that had not been a problem for disciples. They determined that "just war" was the way to kill people for God. So, we had the crusades, to take the holy lands back for God. Disciples didn't know that just war was something God wanted, they just thought when Jesus said to love your enemies and turn the other cheek, that, that was literally what He meant. They didn't know they were supposed to do anything with the world government, they didn't even know they were supposed to hold office in it! Well, the persecution had stopped. People were no longer killed for being sold out to God's Kingdom. The world was plunged into the dark ages, and discipleship stopped; at least on a noticeable level. 

Many many years later, 3 men left the church and attempted to take the teachings of Jesus literally the way the early church before Constantine had. They desired the first allegiance to God's Kingdom again. In this sense, you might say that they were "making discipleship great again." Well, they started a movement, and then, the persecution started again. Now though instead of the Jews and the world kingdom doing it, Christians and the world kingdom were persecuting disciples. This went on and on and on. In the same period as those 3 men, other men left, they remained Christian and didn't make the full transition to discipleship, so they persecuted the disciples, and, each other. Followers of the first 3 became radicalized, left discipleship, and attempted to do some persecution back. It was a bloody mess. (Literally) Then came the concept of freedom in "the west." 

As far as world kingdoms go, freedom in "the west" is a wonderful thing. Religious freedom, personal freedom, financial freedom, etc., and yet, that very freedom brings you to a crossroads. A choice, between Christianity and discipleship. Either way, you choose, if you live in "the west", it looks like your persecution will be very light, and we can thank "the west" for that. Yet, because of that, many people fall in love with their western country and find themselves with split loyalty struggles. So it is, the west is full of Christians, and yet disciples are so rare...

Please read the following questions as challenges to stir your thinking. Not as rules you need to follow. How you personally live out the reality of God's Kingdom is between you and Him. 

Does a Christian vote? Yes, if he cares enough, probably for someone who will only kill the "bad people" in other countries and at least talk about ending the sins of abortion. In fact, he will often tell those who don't vote that they are part of the problem! 

Does a disciple vote? Maybe, it depends if he cares enough to bother, and he might be focused on God's kingdom too much to bother. If he does vote, he would probably only see it as an opinion on who does the best job, and would not want to actually vote for the person's wars and moral sins, etc. Yet, if someone manages to convince him that he is voting for a fire-breathing republican and all his faults instead of merely giving an opinion on who would do a better job running the country, then he might react by refusing to vote. 

Does a Christian go to war? Yes, if he's not too afraid, and the cause is just enough.

Does a disciple go to war? Maybe, if he sees a way to serve and love others the way Jesus taught and did without hating his enemies and trying to kill people. I can envision a disciple wanting to live his life in a war in a similar self-sacrificing, heroic way Desmond Doss did in Chapter 10

Does a Christian talk about wanting to die for his western Country? Yes, if he's the patriotic sort. 

Does a disciple talk about wanting to die for his western Country? No, not really.

Is a Christian willing to die for God and His Kingdom? Maybe

Is a disciple willing to die for God and His Kingdom? Absolutely! 

What about situations where a 3rd person, a victim, is at risk? That is in my opinion where both the Christian and the disciple are left with no good choices. I also see very little teaching in scripture in the New Testament about this. A Christian might be inclined to carry a weapon and be prepared to kill. a disciple might carry as well, but only if led by the Holy Spirit and would strive to lean on Spirit leading in those situations on a case by case basis. A disciple would strive to never kill because he loves all people too much. He would rather die for others than kill. 

 I am ok with pushback, but please keep this in mind:

1. Reacting out of pure emotion without divinely inspired scripture isn't helpful. 

2. Taking examples from God's physical Kingdom in the Old Testament as a license to do certain physical things in a western Kingdom while we live in the time of  God's Spiritual Kingdom isn't helpful.

3. Adding to or detracting from New Testament scriptures, such as, "When Jesus said to turn the other cheek, He only meant if you get whacked on the left cheek by a blue umbrella." or "The teachings of Christ were for the Jews, we must come to Jesus by only doing what Paul said, therefore the teaching about lust being adultery doesn't apply to us" etc.

Ultimately, none of this is so much about having the right answer for every little detail in life. Rather, this is about acknowledging the reality of God's Kingdom, around us, and within us. So, basically, God's Kingdom is a reality. If you're truly going to be a disciple instead of a Christian, God's Kingdom calls for your first loyalties. Everything should be led by God, and we discussed that level of surrender and brokenness on some level already when we went through the beatitudes. One thing to start with for example in this idea of being completely surrendered to God's Kingdom is to simply read scripture for what it says and not for what we want it to say. With that in mind, we will revisit the sermon on the mount again in the next chapter. 

This has been chapter 14 of Surrender!? To Who?

Monday, February 21, 2022

Money and the Kingdom: To Give to the Least of These

Disclaimer: The financial teaching below is what I believe to be true and accurate, biblically speaking. It should not be read as a "how to be a millionaire". It's also not whatcha call prosperity gospel, that stuff isn't really gospel to my way of thinking. The real reason for this disclaimer is, as of 2022, 1. I am not a millionaire, and 2. I am not able to give as much to the Kingdom as I want to. So, what follows is not so much a way I am teaching you to live as it is a way that I intend to live. I will lay this out fairly methodically and thoughtfully for my benefit, and will do so publicly for your benefit. (Hopefully! :D) Check back in 2042 and we shall see how this went. :)

People seem to want meaning. Meaning in their lives, meaning in their work. Kingdom Disciples seem to be no exception. Ultimately, life, and meaning only comes from Christ. Another word for meaning might be, fulfillment. To feel like you're achieving what you're supposed to, what you were created for. However, we should remember we are nothing, and can do nothing without Christ. That said, if there is a struggle in meaning, it usually has to do with work. I.E. people think, "If I could only do (insert dream job) I would be fulfilled." Yet, that really is not the answer now is it? The answer is Christ. Christ who saved us and makes all things possible must also be our ultimate source of fulfillment. To live in ultimate surrender to Christ is the best way to live, and such a person is never lacking in fulfillment. For a sweeping overview of how that surrender looks somewhat practically in various forms of life, please see Surrender!? To Who?

For now though, we want to focus on money, so, this part is about the most obvious ministry portion of it. That is giving. Consider these words by Jesus in Matthew 25: “Then these righteous ones will reply, ‘Lord, when did we ever see you hungry and feed you? Or thirsty and give you something to drink? Or a stranger and show you hospitality? Or naked and give you clothing? When did we ever see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ “And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!’

Now, let's unpack this whole notion of giving. It looks to me like, practically speaking, giving can be summed up into 3 categories:

1. Tithing, (a 10% "sort of tax" for the church.) this is the thing that your churches want you to do. They want you to give them 10% of all the money God blessed you with through the money maker He has given you.

2. Charitable Giving, (Voluntarily giving help to those in need.) This is when you see a noble cause, and decide to give to it. Perhaps your reasons for giving are very good, ie, genuine convictions or perhaps they are less than good, ie, to be seen by others as a generous person. Charitable causes could be things like, supporting missionaries, giving to non-profit aid ministries that help people made homeless in natural disaster situations, helping a poor family with groceries, and many more.

3. Casual Giving, (Giving gifts, being generous with friends, etc.) This would be the category that Christmas and Birthday gifts fall under. If you take someone out to eat, and agree to pay for it, that would come under this category as well.

So, let's discuss tithing a little bit. Tithing is a concept that we first see in Genesis 14, with Abraham and Melchizedek, so, in that sense, it is pre-law. In Leviticus 27, you can see the notion of a tenth, or, tithe, being incorporated into the Mosaic law, as God ordered Moses. Then, in Mark 12, at the end, Jesus commented on the widow and her 2 mites; He said she gave more than the rich who had put in a lot more money. This spoke to a shift in paradigm, instead of just looking at a 10% God tax, it is time to look at living a generous life. So, I would submit to you that 10% could be a good baseline for your charitable giving, but it would be wonderful if you can find it within yourself to give even more. Consult the Lord on this matter. So far as Money and the Kingdom is concerned, we want to only concern ourselves with 2 categories for giving: Charitable and Casual. I believe you will find that the tithe gets taken care of automatically as part of the whole picture in the Kingdom's generous way of life.

Now it's time to get practical; we need to allocate funds for this giving category. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you a percentage for giving. Then go with that number until God reveals a different one. For the sake of the article and the illustration though, let's use 20% So, every $100 gets $20 given away. Over the course of 5 years, you would give away an entire year's provision away with this simple commitment! Can you imagine the impact this would have in the world, if all the 150 million adults in the United States who called themselves "Christian" were able to pull this off? Well, we are going to be very intentional about this.

So, let's take that 20% and start shopping for charities that are worth supporting. Perhaps this is controversial, but let's not blindly assume that the church we attend is worth supporting financially. Let's study it. How is the specific church group we meet with using it's funds? Is it furthering the Kingdom? Does God agree? Use this approach for all charities, consider it a combination of thoughtful wisdom and Spirit led impulse, a careful balanced approach to determine what we support and why. Once we find a charity, and have an amount that should be given, we should determine, is it a one time or a monthly? If it is monthly, let's try to set up autopay, that way it gets done every single month and not forgotten. Ideally, we would find "homes" for at least half of the "giving fund dollars" via autopay to serious Kingdom focused ministry work.

Now, what about the other half? Establish a separate savings account, and every month, have this remainder moved over to the savings account. As you live your life and come across needs or gift opportunities that God shows you, meet those needs, and keep track of how much you spent on them with your credit card, checkbook, etc. Then, at the end of the month, use this separate savings account to reimburse yourself for whatever you spent. Ideally, all the casual giving would come out of this as well, birthdays, Christmas, dining costs when you buy for friends etc. In fact, it is very important that all the giving costs are covered by that 20% we committed to at the outset, because we have 2 very important works for the remaining 80% coming later.

In conclusion, I hope you read all those hard numbers and things done as illustrative and as suggestions? It was intended that way. It is between you and God so far as how you approach making a ministry out of the money maker God gave you. If nothing else is learned from this piece, I hope we at least catch a glimpse of the opportunity there is to organize dollars into an army of resources for Kingdom work. Let's play with the statistics a little bit shall we? Around 150 million American adults call themselves Christian. Perhaps there are only 75 million Christian households. Perhaps their average annual income was $50'000. (Lower than the American average.) If all 75 million were willing to give away 20% of their income the number of American dollars given away would be: 750 billion dollars! What if half of that was spent in casual spontaneous giving and  only half of that truly got put to work in the Kingdom, meeting the most dire genuine needs like, clothing the naked, feeding the hungry, distributing Bibles, placing missionaries in front of the lost and so on? We would STILL have 375 billion dollars doing all that. Those are huge numbers. Yet, it would be entirely possible if 75 million households with a 50k salary actually did it...

This has been part 2 of Money and the Kingdom.

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Money and the Kingdom: To Take God's Money Maker for You Seriously

Disclaimer: The financial teaching below is what I believe to be true and accurate, biblically speaking. It should not be read like a "how to be a millionaire". It's also not whatcha call prosperity gospel, that stuff isn't really gospel to my way of thinking. The real reason for this disclaimer is, as of 2022, 1. I am not a millionaire, and 2. I am not able to give as much to the Kingdom as I want to. So, what follows is not so much a way I am teaching you to live as it is a way that I intend to live. I will lay this out fairly methodically and thoughtfully for my benefit and will do so publicly for your benefit. (Hopefully! :D) Check back in 2042 and we shall see how this went. :)

Earlier we learned that it really is all ministry The "it" in question of course is, your job, work, business, etc. That thing that you do for profit. That is ministry. Click on the word, ministry, for more details. Ok, now, it is also very important that we know that God provides for you, and your money-making endeavor is only the tool he uses, see the post about the seesaw for more detail on this matter. So, 2 facts to have clearly established at the very start of this series are 1. Whatever you are doing for profit is ministry. 2. God is providing for your needs, NOT you. If these facts do not apply to you because you are not a Kingdom Disciple, then you might as well stop reading here. This series is not designed for personal wealth. This series is designed for harvesting resources for the Kingdom. If you are more interested in personal wealth, perhaps you might find some of Robert Kiyosaki's work more to your liking. Google his name and buy his books if you wish. So, going forward, I will assume that it's all understood that I am talking to a Kingdom disciple who at least intellectually knows that his money-making exercise is a ministry and that God is providing for his needs.

So, going forward, I will be referring to your for-profit work, investment, job, business, etc. as a money-maker just for simplicity's sake. Your money-maker is for ministry. It is God's, not yours, as a disciple, you don't own, you steward. So, even something like your job, is, God’s moneymaker for you, for you to steward, to use as you deem right. Like in the parable of the 3 servants, 3 men were given money, 2 of them doubled it. (See Matthew 25:14-28) So, let’s take the money maker God has given us seriously. On the one hand, we have the ministry of people, how do you treat the people you encounter in your money maker, and what is your money maker's reputation as a result of that? That is a different discussion from what this series is targeting, a very important discussion it is though, and one we may be able to have some other time. In this series, we will focus exclusively on the money side of the money maker. Money is simply a means used for acquiring goods and services. It is NOT something you love or value for its own sake, it is merely a means. Money is a little like vegetable oil. You do not acquire vegetable oil and eat it. Yet, you do. How? Many food products have this vegetable oil in them as part of their makeup. Vegetable oil is also often used for cooking, to keep the food from sticking to the pan. So, in many foods you eat, behind the scenes, in some invisible way, the vegetable oil was making it possible, assisting with it, etc. This is how it works with money. When you see the nice big bass boat being backed into the lake, money made it possible for this to happen behind the scenes, throughout the process of designing, manufacturing, distributing, selling and buying. So, what if this was established for us Kingdom Disciples for the Kingdom? What if we took God’s moneymaker for us as seriously as it is? So many times, we pray and ask God to aid and comfort those who were hurt by a hurricane. Or we ask God to heal someone who has a disease, where the treatment costs are too expensive for the family of this person to bear. This kind of praying is very very good. We should pray, and I hope after we embark on the “Money and the Kingdom'' mission we will pray twice as much as before but, what if we were able to be part of the answer as well? Rather, what if God would use us to answer the prayers of others? I think this can happen if we decide today, right now, to take money very seriously, for what it is, which is, a means to acquire. A simpler term is power. A power to get something. So, money is a specific kind of power, but it must never be our power.

This "Money and the Kingdom" series has been broken into 4 parts. You have just read Part 1.

The other 3 parts are:

Money and the Kingdom: To Give to the Least of These

Money and the Kingdom: To Spend as One Blessed by The Lord

Money and The Kingdom: To Save for the Day of Redemption