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Monday, November 15, 2021

Trading "Smarts" for Righteousness

  The Lord Jesus Christ continued His talk, after He said the meek would inherit the earth, He went on to say, "Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled."
So, this is pretty self explanatory, those who are hungry and thirsty for righteousness will be satisfied. What is righteousness? It is the way that seems right to God. The Lord created this place, this world. He knows what is best, and what He says, is right. When you are truly starving and your throat is truly parched, what else will do? You want food, and water. Jesus Christ knew what it truly meant to be hungry. He fasted for 40 days. The devil tempted Him with food, "Turn these rocks into bread." he said. Yet Jesus stayed on mission, for the devil's charms were not what He was after. The devil eventually showed Christ all the kingdoms of the world, and offered them all to Him in exchange for worshiping the devil himself. Christ said no, and told the devil to get lost (my words). Yet, in all that, Jesus never denied that the devil had/has the authority to give the kingdoms of the world over to Him. So it is, that a hunger and thirst after righteousness tends to run in contrast to hunger and thirst after this world.

AD 52 (Fictionalized)
Nomikis couldn't believe what Fileph had done! In town last week, the pagans had another big fire to their god. Nomikis knew this was demonic! Why, these people were out of control, this god was made of stone, or wood, Nomikis didn't know he stayed away from such demonic paganism. During this big fire, the people grilled meat on their altar, for their god. However, their god couldn't eat it obviously. Nomikis knew that he worshiped the true God, the Lord Jesus Christ, and so when he thought of all this, he felt a little sick. After the big sacrifice, the pagans sold the meat for cheap. Again, Nomikis never bought it, he wanted no part of this demonic worldy thing in his body, ever. PERIOD! Well, so it was, that he had gone to his best friend Fileph's place for supper and there Fileph had fed both families some choice steaks. Nomikis was shocked at how he had managed to aquire such an expensive fare. Fileph said with a chuckle, "Well, if you go down after idol sacrifice, you get a good deal. Their god can't eat it y'know." Nomikis was speechless, how could he? He felt sick, he ate this awful stuff! Fileph had pleaded with him, and apologized for the offense, but Nomikis had to leave. Their was a rift there, and it was all over a chunk of meat from the world....

AD 2023 (Fictionalized)
Besmint couldn't believe what Kompy had done! There had been a vaccine mandate circling around and there was a lot of pressure to get "the jab". Bestmint's sources had assured him that this thing wasn't safe, and he wondered why they were forcing it. Was it a practice run for the mark of the beast? Besmint didn't know, but he was sure something dark and demonic was going on. Well, Besmint had drawn his line in the sand, he had fought the mask mandates tooth and nail. It had cost him, he couldn't shop at many places, but it had been worth it. Now, when confronted by a potential vaccine mandate, Besmint had decided he would go to prison instead. So, here he was, in prison, a political prisoner, taking a grim stand against a tyrannical government, when suddenly the loudspeaker crackles announcing that a visitor was coming to the chapel to share the gospel. He decided to go, out of curiousity, and there was his best friend Kompy! He asked him, "How on earth did you get through all the hurdles?" Kompy was shocked! Why, just last week he had played golf with Besmint, this was a church friend, what on earth was he doing here? He wasn't a criminal, was he? Then he replied, "Well, I just did what they asked, I figure God can turn the jab into water if He needs to, ya know?" Then he saw in dismay as Besmint's face clouded over, and he stormed out of the chapel. Their was a rift there, and it was all over a shot of "questionable juice" from the world....

 "Now regarding your question about food that has been offered to idols. Yes, we know that “we all have knowledge” about this issue. But while knowledge makes us feel important, it is love that strengthens the church. Anyone who claims to know all the answers doesn’t really know very much. But the person who loves God is the one whom God recognizes."-Apostle Paul (I Corinthinans 8) 

 The pursuit of righteousness transcends this world, you think higher, you reach out for God, and His truth, for His truth is the only one that really matters. No matter what the sources of this world tell you. They do not, and cannot supplant the Lord's righteousness. To construct a righteous response to this world's dilemma calls for time in prayer, not in the news. Why prioritize prayer over the news? Because the world's "knowledge" is like a ship adrift. I can find whatever narrative I want to hear about whatever I want to hear in this world about anything. The antidote is righteousness. Righteousness is only from God, and righteousness leads to rightness, to truth, it leads to the ways of the Lord. Follow these ways doggedly, even if they look different to you from your ideas. The question is, can the Bride of Christ survive all the different opinions about the jab? Yes, if I, and you, pursue righteousness like a starving and thirsty dog! Then, Christ's promise to fill us will solve this. Regardless of whether or not the jab is right or wrong, and I make a mistake in my judgement, or you do, we shall be filled as we pursue righteousness. So it is, because Christ said it. Perhaps you will take the jab and I will not? If so, I today, am telling you, that I will repsect and love you as a brother/sister in Christ, and the jab will not tarnish the fellowship we enjoy, in Christ. Will you join me in this commitment? This is my call, let us, as the citizens from Heaven, pursue righteousness, today, tommorow, and forever. How do we pursure righteousness? By laying down all we know, and asking the Lord for His righteousness. 

 Where do I stand? Does it matter? If it does, then here goes, I don't want to take the jab, I don't like it. I don't like the mandates, and thankfully, I am not having to take it, but, if confronted with a mandate, all I know to do is ask for righteousness, before I respond with my desicion to take Besmint's stand or Kompy's compromise. 

 If you are reading this book sometime after 2025 and are wondering, "What is this fascinating guy fussing about a jab for?" Then google, "covid 19 vaccine mandate." Hopefully you will still have google and hopefully it will tell you something. ;) Then please realize this was written in 2021.

 This has been chapter 8 of Surrender!? To Who?

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